Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Benefits of Organic Hemp Milk

The Benefits of Organic Hemp Milk

Though its name might be a bit misleading, organic hemp milk is a perfectly legal, not to mention healthy, alternative for vegetarians or non vegetarians. Produced from the seeds of the hemp plant, this milk has only begun to be sold in the United States within the past few years.


One concern that people have about organic hemp milk is that it might contain some of the chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is found in marijuana. Rest assured that this ingredient is not present or associated with hemp milk.

Another concern is that the hemp seeds must be imported since it’s currently not legal to grow the hemp plant in the US. Some hemp milk producers have to rely on obtaining hemp seeds from farmers in Canada or Europe, where the growth of hemp plants for oil or milk is perfectly legal.

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Health Benefits of Organic Hemp Milk

Organic hemp milk is also a great alternative to toxic cow’s milk and those who cannot consume dairy because of dietary issues.

One 8-Ounce glass contains the following healthy nutrients:

    900mg Omega-3 Fatty Acid
    2800mg Omega-6 Fatty Acid
    All 10 Essential Amino Acids
    4 grams of Digestible Protein
    46% of RDA of Calcium
    0% Cholesterol
    Vitamin A
    Vitamin E 
    Vitamin B12
    Folic Acid
    Vitamin D
    And more…

How To Make Your Own Organic Hemp Milk!

Combine the water and the Shelled Hemp Seeds in a blender. Use more water to achieve a skim milk consistency and less water to produce a heavier cream consistency of the milk.

Turn blender on high for 2-3 minutes, or until you reach your desired consistency. (I use the VitaMix™ brand blender)

After blending you can sweeten the milk by adding: Organic Agave Nectar, raw honey, or Organic Vanilla. Blend again to mix sweetener. You can drink it thick or strain it through cheese cloth to remove the large seed particles. The seed pulp can then be used as an excellent body scrub, facial mask or compost.


- 1 cup hemp seeds (shelled)
- 5-6 cups of purified water
- Natural Sweetener, such as Agave Nectar or Raw Honey

Recipe Makes: 6-7 cups and will stay fresh for 3 days in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container (use a mason jar). Shake well before each use.

Parents: This is a very easy way to supplement a good source of organic protein, Omega-6 & Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in your child’s diet.

Organic shelled hemp seeds can be purchased online. (I personally use or

Other Things You Need To Know About Organic Hemp Milk

It can be purchased in plain, vanilla, or chocolate flavors, and the boxes they are packaged in do not have to be refrigerated until after you open them. There are now multiple stores selling multiple brands, so if you are a consumer who prefers to stick to organic products, you should not have too much difficulty finding them.

Plain organic hemp milk contains no sugar, no cholesterol, and is free of soy and gluten. For many people, these factors make it an obvious choice for an abundant source of vital nutrients. The essential fatty acids, vitamins & nutrients that are contained in organic hemp milk provide a wide variety of health benefits.

  • IntraMAX®
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  • IntraMAX® is a completely organic liquid vitamin and mineral supplement containing over 415 nutrients. IntraMAX® is derived from ultra dissolved, organically complexed trace minerals and completely natural and organic plant sources.

Hemp Milk Benefits Include:

- Strengthened Immune System
- Clear, Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails
- Strong, Healthy Heart
- Increased Mental Capacity

NOTE: As with anything, you should always conduct a sufficient amount of research on any products that you are considering trying. There are actually quite a few different brands available on the market, and not all of them are made with organic ingredients. 
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Monday, September 21, 2015

The Health Dangers of Carrageenan

The Health Dangers of Carrageenan

Carrageenan is a food additive commonly seen in commercial yogurts, dairy-free milk, and other processed foods. It is a terrific emulsifier and thickening agent, and it does have natural origins. Nonetheless, carrageenan isn’t free from health concerns, with most of its issues relating to effects on the gastrointestinal system. Isolated from seaweed, carrageenan is a polysaccharide compound that may also trigger an immune response in some people, but this is highly debated. Because it comes from a natural source, it is typically added to natural food products. This food additive is just one of the many additives you may wish to be aware of the next time you go on your weekly shopping trip.


The Dangers of Carrageenan

The most recent medical paper we have on carrageenan’s carcinogenicity suggests that carrageenan consumption increases the risk for certain cancers. [1] It is also suggested that carrageenan has negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract, potentially contributing to issues such as irritable bowel disease (IBD) and colitis. The research in this is minimal, however, and not many recent studies have been performed on this ingredient in relation to its gastrointestinal effects to establish these claims. The fact that they are proposed should make many weary of consuming it on a daily basis.

Past research has shown that carrageenan may impact macrophage activity; however, this research has not been replicated in recent research. [2] Another study has shown carrageenan may induce insulin resistance, a symptom characteristic of type 2 diabetes. [3] Colon cancer is also of some concern when it comes to the prolonged ingestion of carrageenan. [4] Many people who consume carrageen seem to report gut irritation, which could be a sign of sensitivity to the food additive.

How to Avoid Carrageenan

One of the best ways you can avoid carrageenan is to avoid most dairy-free milk products, like almond milk. While you can definitely make your own using fresh almonds and water, try to avoid purchasing store bought because these typically contain some type of thickening agent, like carrageenan. Simply look at the ingredients labels of your foods to make sure they’re free from the additive. Also, if you purchase gluten-free goods, make sure it doesn’t contain the ingredient, either. Many gluten-free baked goods will contain carrageenan as a binding agent to replace the gluten, and these products may also contain xanthan gum and guar gum.

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Top 5 Herbs for Weight Loss

The Top 5 Herbs for Weight Loss

f you want to lose weight, you know the only way to ensure healthy progress and lasting success is by changing how you eat and increasing your activity level. However, there are a number of herbs that can help this journey along, whether by speeding up your fat-burning metabolism or by helping you stifle cravings.


These top 5 herbs can help accelerate your body’s natural ability to eliminate body fat both safely and effectively:

1. Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia made serious gains in popularity a few years ago during which time its beneficial properties became more well-known by the general public. Now, the dust has settled a little, but pure Hoodia is still an effective weight loss aid with serious backing. Used by hunters in desert regions of Africa, the herb helps reduce cravings and allows you to cut calories without feelings of deprivation. Because there are many weight loss aids carrying the Hoodia name, be cautious that what you are getting is the real thing.

Slimirex All-Natural Weight Loss Formula

2. Damiana

This is a wild shrub native to the West Indies, Mexico, and Central America. It has a variety of uses, though most recently has been marketed as a weight loss aid. This could be because of its effects on the digestive system, sometimes encouraging loose stools and the subsequent loss of water weight. However, a promising study showed that when paired with other herbs, Damiana helped delay gastric emptying, providing a sense of fullness for a longer period after eating [1].

3. Gymnema

This herb is native to Africa and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. It is said to balance blood sugar levels and is often recommended for people suffering from diabetes. It is said to block sugar absorption and stop sugar cravings, a major contributor to some people’s weight problems.

4. Kelp

Kelp is rich in iodine, a substance that can aid in weight loss. A significant iodine deficiency can actually lead to hypothyroidism – a condition that has been linked to weight gain. In addition to helping with weight loss, kelp helps to regulate thyroid function. 
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Friday, September 18, 2015

Lower blood pressure with these common plant extracts

Lower blood pressure with these common plant extracts

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly one in three American adults suffers from high blood pressure. This is a problem of great concern, since this condition puts people at higher risk for even more serious health issues like heart attacks and strokes and is considered the number one risk factor for fatal heart attacks. While there are a number of prescription medications available to help treat high blood pressure, they all come with unwanted side effects ranging from the mild (dizziness when standing) to the severe (permanent kidney damage).

There are however, more natural options that people with high blood pressure have to treat this condition. Extract of certain plants, for instance, have been found to be extremely beneficial to normalize blood pressure levels. Read on to find out more about how these extracts can improve cardiac health.

Olive leaf extract

Olive leaf extract contains compounds called secoiridoid glycosides. These compounds, in the body, react with the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), with the result that angiotensin is not able to cause the blood vessels to constrict and the result is a wider blood vessel and lower blood pressure. In short, these act much like the prescription drug group called ACE inhibitors, but also can lower cholesterol. In one study, participants taking olive leaf extract showed, at the end of eight weeks, a drop of 13mn Hg in systolic blood pressure (the upper number) and 3mm Hg in the diastolic blood pressure (the lower number).

Celery seed extract

Celery seed extract is another natural way to lower the blood pressure; it acts much like the drug group calcium channel blockers. These act different than ACE inhibitors and are able to lower the blood pressure through dilating (widening) the arteries. There appear to be no serious side effects to this extract, and in one clinical trial, patients with mild to moderate high blood pressure took a dosage of 75 mg of this extract every day and on average, at the end of the study, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure dropped around eight points.

Garlic extract

It is not surprising that garlic, long known for its positive effects on the heart, should be able to help treat blood pressure as well. One clinical trial studied patients whose blood pressure was treated but uncontrolled and found that, with use of garlic extract supplements, participants showed as much improvement in their blood pressure at the end of 12 weeks as would have been expected if they had been taking front-line drugs. Read more

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sunscreen Facts: How Not to Get Burned This Summer

Sunscreen Facts: How Not to Get Burned This Summer

A recent investigation by the Environmental Working Group [1] found that 60% of sunscreens currently on the market are not as safe and effective as you may think. Some of them just don’t offer the protection necessary to block all of the sun’s harmful UV rays, and others actually contain chemicals that can cause damage to your skin.


Even the best of intentions require diligence and effort, so when you reach for that skin lotion “with SPF,” this summer make sure you’re getting the protection you need and not leaving yourself exposed.

UV Rays: How They Can Damage Your Skin

The sun’s rays are categorized based on whether their wavelengths fall into the visible, infra-red (IR), or ultraviolet (UV) spectrum. Ultraviolet rays are the ones that you always hear about, because it is UV rays that are damaging to the skin.

Suntrex D3

Ultraviolet rays are also categorized based on their wavelengths. UVC rays are absorbed by the stratosphere and do not typically reach the earth’s surface. When interest groups discuss the dangers of the deteriorating ozone layer, UVC rays become a concern because even brief exposure can cause a sunburn and prolonged exposure can be fatal. UVC rays are the strongest and most dangerous type of ultraviolet radiation.

UVB rays are the “tanning rays” or “burning rays” that penetrate the top layers of skin (epidermis) and cause the production of melanin, which appears as a suntan. Over exposure to UVB rays can cause squamous cell carcinoma [2] and basal cell carcinoma [3], two of the most common forms of skin cancer. UVB rays are stronger during the summer months and nearer to the equator.

More dangerous are UVA rays, which penetrate past the epidermis into the dermis. UVA rays penetrate glass, so you are being exposed to them while you’re driving or seated near a window. UVA rays are just as strong regardless of the season, and prolonged exposure to this type of ultraviolet radiation can cause melanoma, the most fatal type of skin cancer.

Do All Sunscreens Protect Skin From Harmful UVA Rays?

Unfortunately, no. Look for sunscreens that specify protection from UVA and UVB rays, or that say multi-spectrum or broad-spectrum. While sunscreens with the above statements may protect you from some UVA rays, the label doesn’t typically indicate how much.

Additionally, even sunscreens that promise broad-spectrum protection are not required to list the level of UVA protection that they provide. You should look for an appropriate level of sun protection factor (SPF). The SPF listed on sunscreen tells you how much longer it will take your skin to redden using the sunscreen than without. For example, using sunscreens with SPF 20 means it will take skin 20 times longer to redden than without the sunscreen.

Can My Sunscreen Hurt Me?

While effective at blocking some of the solar radiation that can cause sunburn, aging and skin cancer, some sunscreen ingredients, such as oxybenzone, can actually be harmful. Oxybenzone is a common ingredient in sunscreens, and also a hormone disrupter. The CDC indicated in 2008 that safety standards for sunscreens are lacking and in need of review [4].

The main purpose of the FDA’s labeling efforts are to provide consumers with information on the level of protection offered by their sunscreens rather than the dangers of the chemicals contained therein. Know what the potential risks are to the chemicals in your sunscreen, and do your best to avoid them.

Suntrex D3

How do I protect myself from the sun and still avoid harmful chemicals?

Besides wearing a wide brimmed hat or staying indoors (which we do enough of already), you can get clothing that includes an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF), which is similar to the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) listed on sunscreens. UPF provides additional protection from ultraviolet radiation while minimizing your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. The popular outdoor store REI provides details on the construction and function of UPF rated fabrics. Also, when spending time in the sun it is best to expose yourself in the morning or late afternoon. If possible, try to avoid the mid day sun. Read more

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Top 8 Herbs for Andropause

The Top 8 Herbs for Andropause

Andropause, or male menopause, is a condition associated with a drop in sexual activity, testosterone levels, and a diminished frequency of normal erections. It’s an age related problem and many men are in full swing by middle age. Thankfully, there are natural solutions for combatting the demoralizing effects of andropause. Herbs that have been used for centuries have demonstrated their potent abilities and received validation from modern science. Here are the top 8 herbs for promoting vitality during andropause.


1. Tribulus terrestris
A natural aphrodisiac, Tribulus terrestris has been used in various countries for centuries to stimulate libido and promote normal testosterone levels. [1] The plant’s active compound, protodioscin, is a precursor to testosterone. As a blood vessel dilator, protodioscin may allow more blood to reach the penis, resulting in a normal, full erection. In animal models, impotent male rats given Tribulus terrestris showed an increased erection frequency. [2]

Androtrex Male Vitality Formula

2. Suma
The suma root comes from the suma ground vine, typically found in the rain forests of South America. It’s been widely used as an herbal tonic for hormone activity and some evidence suggests it’s effective for improving libido and sexual response. Ecdysterone, a bioactive compound in suma, may help promote normal hormone levels in men, particularly the sex hormone testosterone, which stimulates male sexual performance. [3] Men suffering from andropause or general sexual dysfunction are among the most popular consumers of suma root.

3. Ashwagandha
Also known as “Indian ginseng,” Ashwagandha has been used for over 3000 years to remedy various sexual issues. There is some research to suggest that Ashwagandha, especially when combined with Tribulus terrestris, may promote fertility in men. Researchers believe that Ashwagandha helps alleviate stress, which is essential for promoting sperm quality. [4] The herb may also be helpful for encouraging normal energy levels, a common issue that plagues many infertile, impotent, and sexually inactive men. [5]

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

'Glyphosate is definitely genotoxic,' declares WHO scientist

'Glyphosate is definitely genotoxic,' declares WHO scientist

One of the lead scientists who helped conduct the World Health Organization (WHO) study on Monsanto's Roundup herbicide that determined the chemical to be "probably carcinogenic" has now gone on record saying that glyphosate is "definitely genotoxic."

Professor Christopher Portier, speaking at a recent scientific briefing on glyphosate in Westminster, London, told listeners that there's "no doubt" in his mind that glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Roundup, causes genetic damage that can lead to cellular malfunction and cancer.

The event was put on by the U.K.-based Soil Association, which is pushing British authorities to implement a full ban on the use of glyphosate, which is commonly sprayed on genetically-modified (GM) crops and used as a pre-harvest ripening agent to help control weeds.

Recent data published by the Soil Association reveals that glyphosate use has increased by 400 percent in the U.K. over the last 20 years, and the chemical routinely shows up in bread samples. Data released by the Defra committee on Pesticide Residues in Food (PRiF) shows the presence of glyphosate in up to 30 percent of U.K. bread samples, along with two other pesticide chemicals.

Pointing out that glyphosate has never been proven safe or effective - unsubstantiated claims to the contrary almost always come directly from the chemical industry - Prof. Portier and others warned listeners that something needs to be done to mitigate this widespread threat to public health.

"Glyphosate is everywhere throughout our food chain - in our food and water," stated Dr. Robin Mesnage from the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Kings College in London. "The lack of data on toxicity of glyphosate is not proof of safety and these herbicides cannot be considered safe without proper testing."

Roundup formula 1,000 times more toxic than just glyphosate alone

Dr. Mesnage presented shocking data showing that, despite the clear and present dangers of glyphosate, the complete Roundup formula is even worse. Based on the results of independent tests, Roundup was shown to be orders of magnitude more deadly than glyphosate alone.

"We know Roundup, the commercial name of glyphosate based herbicides, contains many other chemicals which, when mixed together, are 1,000 times more toxic than glyphosate on its own," he stated at the meeting.

Unlike other European countries that have taken WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report more seriously by implementing restrictions or bans on the use of glyphosate, the U.K. has dragged its feet. This, says GMWatch editor Claire Robinson, is simply unacceptable.

"Outside the United Kingdom, the reaction to the WHO IARC report has been dramatic," she stated. "Some retailers in Switzerland and Germany have removed glyphosate products and France has committed to do so by 2018 and German states are calling for an EU wide ban." Read more