Thursday, December 31, 2015

US farm workers sue Monsanto over cancer likely caused

US farm workers sue Monsanto over cancer likely caused


Monolithic science experiments are frequently being carried out on humans and the environment through the use of agro-chemicals and genetically modified seeds. Every time a new agro-chemical is invented, stronger than the one before it, the hypothesis remains the same — these agricultural experiments are safe and pose no threat to the health of mankind or the environment. As proven by the numerous lawsuits filed against corporations like Monsanto, however, the dangers are apparent and real.

Despite the growing concern against the negative effects of its experiments and products, Monsanto continues to get Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval and government subsidies so they can continue with their operations. In fact, the most popular herbicide in America, glyphosate, can now allegedly "be used without unreasonable risks to people or the environment," according to a statement made by the US EPA in 2013.

Monsanto experiments turn food into pathway to modern disease

How does Monsanto's experiments operate, anyway? Scientists genetically splice natural, God-given seeds by inserting foreign DNA into the seed genome. Monsanto's most nefarious and far-reaching method of agricultural control came about when they started genetically altering seeds so that crops could only be grown using their very own herbicide, called Roundup (glyphosate

Since the seed is designed to withstand Roundup, Monsanto can now control the entire industrial agricultural system by simply making crops glyphosate-immune and having Roundup dominate the market. Today, 80% of genetically modified crops, including corn, soy, canola, cotton, beets and alfalfa, contain Monsanto's original Roundup Ready gene.

Like rats in a cage, many people are unaware that the food they consume have been modified specifically to withstand Monsanto's famous herbicide. The food products that many people blindly consume on a daily basis come directly from crops sprayed with Roundup. Crops sprayed with Roundup are no longer healthy at all. Food that should nourish our system have instead become toxic pathways to many disease processes in the human body.

How glyphosate kills

Glyphosate kills weeds by disrupting their shikimate pathway, where amino acids essential for their survival are synthesized. The shikimate pathway of Roundup Ready crops, on the other hand, are genetically engineered to withstand this attack.

Monsanto concludes that glyphosate is safe for humans because mammals do not have a shikimate pathway. However, what the biotech industry fails to recognize is that the shikimate pathway is also present in human gut bacteria. This diverse network of gut microbes (which are being destroyed by glyphosate) helps the human host digest food, synthesize vitamins and maintain immune system homeostasis. Additionally, gut microbes protect the gastrointestinal tract from being permeated by heavy metals and other foreign toxins. Glyphosate literally initiates disease processes in the body by suppressing and killing off these beneficial gut microbes, particularly through the inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes.

Farmer with bone cancer sues Monsanto

Monsanto's claim about glyphosate's safety is continually being debunked. In March 2015, the consensus of independent scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) revealed that there is "convincing evidence" that glyphosate causes cancer in lab animals.

As more and more data are published on the matter, people are starting to make the connection between Roundup exposure and cancer.

Enrique Rubio, a 58-year-old farmer from California who was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1995, was able to make a connection. For several years, he worked directly with Monsanto's Roundup in California, Oregon and Texas. He sprayed cucumbers, onions and other vegetable crops with glyphosate. He was always told the chemical was safe and posed no risk to his health — until one day, he was suddenly diagnosed with bone cancer Today, he is accusing Monsanto of downplaying the risks of the herbicide he used countless times over several years.

On the same day Enrique filed suit, Judi Fitzgerald joined the fight from New York. The 64-year-old woman was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012. She worked directly with Roundup in the 1990s while working at a horticultural products company.

Both lawsuits claim that Monsanto's Roundup is a "defective" product that is "unreasonably dangerous." It also claims that Monsanto pressured the EPA to give Roundup the green light.

Even though the World Health Organization agrees and describes glyphosate as a "probable or possible carcinogen," the biotech industry has always fought back against scientifically validated allegations, not caring one bit about the people they have harmed, and — if all these experiments continue — will continue to harm in years to come.


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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What are Carotenoids? – 5 Health Benefits

What are Carotenoids? – 5 Health Benefits

Distinguished by their orange, yellow, and red pigments, carotenoids are found in many plants, algae, and bacteria. Carotenoids act as antioxidants within the body, protecting against cellular damage, the effects of aging, and even some chronic diseases. These beneficial compounds cannot be synthesized by humans or animals, diet is the only way to get them. There are well over 600 known carotenoids, with beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, and astaxanthin being the most common.


Why Are Carotenoids Important?

As antioxidants, carotenoids are helpful for protecting vision and combating cellular damage. [1] Recent studies have also identified carotenoids as paramount supporters for the cardiovascular system and male reproductive health. Lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes (among other fruits and vegetables), has even been linked to keeping the liver, prostate, breast, colon, and lungs healthy. [2]

5 Health Benefits of Consuming Carotenoids

Carotenoids have an immense value for human health, and many people are seeking ways to incorporate these health-brimming compounds into their diet. Nutritionists, physicians, and health organizations all recommend a diet high in antioxidants, including those that are derived from carotenoids. Here are 5 of the most pronounced benefits of carotenoids.

1. Supports Eye Health

Do you remember adults telling you as a child that carrots were good for your eyes? As it turns out, this statement is founded in scientific truth. Carrots are an excellent source of carotenoids, including retinol and pro-vitamin A, both of which have therapeutic value for degenerative diseases of the retina. [3]

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2. Cardiovascular Health

Population-based studies have demonstrated that carotenoids are effective for supporting cardiovascular health. Other nutrients that work together with carotenoids for protecting heart health include glutathione, vitamin E, and vitamin C These findings have been echoed in numerous studies. [4]

3. Possible Anti-Tumor Properties?

It would be premature and overzealous to say that carotenoids prevent cancer, but it is known that carotenoids contain acetylenics, a group of metabolites known for combating tumor development. They also have action against harmful organisms and support the immune system The combination of these properties have been so effective for fighting bacteria and immune-related infections that researchers are exploring their cytotoxic effects on multiple types of cancer. [5]

4. Male Fertility

The antioxidant effect of carotenoids may protect sperm health, according a recent 2013 study. This research found that carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, and zinc notably improved the participants’ chances of becoming pregnant. [6] These nutrients can be accessed easily with a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

5. Skin Health

Studies have reported that the carotenoids beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin protect skin, tissue, and cells from environmental toxins and disease. Recent research has demonstrated that non-provitamin A carotenoids, such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin, also have protective benefits for the skin. [7] To best support skin health, experts recommend vitamin A carotenoids from fresh vegetables and colorful fruits.

Maximize Your Carotenoid Intake

Vitamin A is considered a fat-soluble nutrient, and consuming foods containing vitamin A with fat (like grass-fed butter, coconut oil, or olive oil) increases its bioavailability. Chopping and cooking the vegetables also enhances nutrient uptake, further increasing the chances your body will use the compounds efficiently.

Best Sources of Carotenoids

Carotenoids are found in orange, yellow, and red fruits and vegetables, like pumpkin, carrots, and tomatoes For beta-carotene, carrots and pumpkins are forefront; however, spinach, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and dandelion greens also represent excellent sources.

Green Living Kit

Tomatoes are renowned for their lycopene content, and often recommended as a health-fortifying food. You may be surprised to learn that watermelon and grapefruit are also excellent sources of lycopene. Dark, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, contain high quantities of lutein and zeaxanthin. If you’re not following a vegan or vegetarian diet, liver and eggs are two of the most bioavailable animal sources of these beneficial nutrients. [8]

What are your favorite carotenoid-rich vegetables and fruits? Leave us a comment below to let us know!

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


1. Armstrong GA, Hearst JE. Carotenoids 2: Genetics and molecular biology of carotenoid pigment biosynthesis FASEB J. 1996 Feb;10(2):228-37.

2. Trejo-Solís C, Pedraza-Chaverrí J, Torres-Ramos M, Jiménez-Farfán D, Cruz Salgado A, Serrano-García N, Osorio-Rico L, Sotelo J. Multiple molecular and cellular mechanisms of action of lycopene in cancer inhibition Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:705121. doi: 10.1155/2013/705121.

3. Perusek L, Maeda T. Vitamin A derivatives as treatment options for retinal degenerative diseases Nutrients. 2013 Jul 12;5(7):2646-66. doi: 10.3390/nu5072646.

4. Wang Y, Chun OK, Song WO. Plasma and dietary antioxidant status as cardiovascular disease risk factors: a review of human studies Nutrients. 2013 Jul 31;5(8):2969-3004. doi: 10.3390/nu5082969.

5. Kuklev DV, Domb AJ, Dembitsky VM. Bioactive acetylenic metabolites Phytomedicine. 2013 Oct 15;20(13):1145-59. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2013.06.009.

6. Mora-Esteves C, Shin D. Nutrient supplementation: improving male fertility fourfold Semin Reprod Med. 2013 Jul;31(4):293-300. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1345277.

7. Sayo T, Sugiyama Y, Inoue S. Lutein, a nonprovitamin A, activates the retinoic acid receptor to induce HAS3-dependent hyaluronan synthesis in keratinocytes Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2013;77(6):1282-6.

8. Abdel-Aal el-SM, Akhtar H, Zaheer K, Ali R. Dietary sources of lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids and their role in eye health Nutrients. 2013 Apr 9;5(4):1169-85. doi: 10.3390/nu5041169.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

US farm workers sue Monsanto over cancer likely caused by Roundup herbicide

US farm workers sue Monsanto over cancer likely caused by Roundup herbicide


Monolithic science experiments are frequently being carried out on humans and the environment through the use of agro-chemicals and genetically modified seeds. Every time a new agro-chemical is invented, stronger than the one before it, the hypothesis remains the same — these agricultural experiments are safe and pose no threat to the health of mankind or the environment. As proven by the numerous lawsuits filed against corporations like Monsanto, however, the dangers are apparent and real.

Despite the growing concern against the negative effects of its experiments and products, Monsanto continues to get Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval and government subsidies so they can continue with their operations. In fact, the most popular herbicide in America, glyphosate, can now allegedly "be used without unreasonable risks to people or the environment," according to a statement made by the US EPA in 2013.

Monsanto experiments turn food into pathway to modern disease

How does Monsanto's experiments operate, anyway? Scientists genetically splice natural, God-given seeds by inserting foreign DNA into the seed genome. Monsanto's most nefarious and far-reaching method of agricultural control came about when they started genetically altering seeds so that crops could only be grown using their very own herbicide, called Roundup (glyphosate

Since the seed is designed to withstand Roundup, Monsanto can now control the entire industrial agricultural system by simply making crops glyphosate-immune and having Roundup dominate the market. Today, 80% of genetically modified crops, including corn, soy, canola, cotton, beets and alfalfa, contain Monsanto's original Roundup Ready gene.

Like rats in a cage, many people are unaware that the food they consume have been modified specifically to withstand Monsanto's famous herbicide. The food products that many people blindly consume on a daily basis come directly from crops sprayed with Roundup. Crops sprayed with Roundup are no longer healthy at all. Food that should nourish our system have instead become toxic pathways to many disease processes in the human body.

How glyphosate kills

Glyphosate kills weeds by disrupting their shikimate pathway, where amino acids essential for their survival are synthesized. The shikimate pathway of Roundup Ready crops, on the other hand, are genetically engineered to withstand this attack.

Monsanto concludes that glyphosate is safe for humans because mammals do not have a shikimate pathway. However, what the biotech industry fails to recognize is that the shikimate pathway is also present in human gut bacteria. This diverse network of gut microbes (which are being destroyed by glyphosate) helps the human host digest food, synthesize vitamins and maintain immune system homeostasis. Additionally, gut microbes protect the gastrointestinal tract from being permeated by heavy metals and other foreign toxins. Glyphosate literally initiates disease processes in the body by suppressing and killing off these beneficial gut microbes, particularly through the inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes.

Farmer with bone cancer sues Monsanto

Monsanto's claim about glyphosate's safety is continually being debunked. In March 2015, the consensus of independent scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) revealed that there is "convincing evidence" that glyphosate causes cancer in lab animals.

As more and more data are published on the matter, people are starting to make the connection between Roundup exposure and cancer.

Enrique Rubio, a 58-year-old farmer from California who was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1995, was able to make a connection. For several years, he worked directly with Monsanto's Roundup in California, Oregon and Texas. He sprayed cucumbers, onions and other vegetable crops with glyphosate. He was always told the chemical was safe and posed no risk to his health — until one day, he was suddenly diagnosed with bone cancer Today, he is accusing Monsanto of downplaying the risks of the herbicide he used countless times over several years.

On the same day Enrique filed suit, Judi Fitzgerald joined the fight from New York. The 64-year-old woman was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012. She worked directly with Roundup in the 1990s while working at a horticultural products company.

Both lawsuits claim that Monsanto's Roundup is a "defective" product that is "unreasonably dangerous." It also claims that Monsanto pressured the EPA to give Roundup the green light.

Even though the World Health Organization agrees and describes glyphosate as a "probable or possible carcinogen," the biotech industry has always fought back against scientifically validated allegations, not caring one bit about the people they have harmed, and — if all these experiments continue — will continue to harm in years to come.


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Monday, December 28, 2015

10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the product of two things — fat and connective tissue, otherwise known as collagen. You could also make the argument that there’s a third factor — being a woman. Women have three layers of fat under the most cellulite-prone areas of skin; men only have one. Also, for men, collagen has a cross-linked structure which essentially means it’s more rigid. For women, collagen is structured into rows and holds fat in place by forming fat compartments. This combination of factors is responsible for cellulite’s ripple effect. It’s worth mentioning that strong, toned muscles can do a lot to reduce the amount of rippling. [1] However, cellulite isn’t just an issue for heavier women; even the most slender women can find themselves with cellulite.

What’s Causing Cellulite?

Cellulite has a number of causes — too much estrogen, lack of exercise, excess weight, a toxic lifestyle, and poor diet. It’s thought to affect 90% of women in industrialized nations despite being, at one time, uncommon in women under 35.

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High estrogen levels have been linked to the formation of cellulite. [2] Often estrogen and other hormones are imbalanced by endocrine disruptors such as pesticides, plastics, and a huge array of other chemicals that we’re all exposed to.

Cellulite is worse when circulation is interrupted. In other words, tight clothing around the hips, buttocks, and thighs is best avoided. [3]

A low-activity lymph system is also a factor in the development of cellulite. Your body’s lymph system is your waste network and lymph is fluid that carries waste and toxins away from cells so it can be expelled from your body. Unlike blood, which is pumped by your heart, the lymph system has no pump. It’s entirely dependent on you using and moving your muscles. This is a big reason by exercising, being active, and strengthening your muscles can help reduce cellulite.

What Can You Do About Cellulite?

I’d like to tell you that getting rid of cellulite is a quick remedy away but that’s not quite accurate. Unless you’re interested in liposuction, the only way to get rid of the orange peel complexion is time and concerted effort. Natural approaches that may reduce cellulite include:

1. Balancing your hormones
2. Avoiding processed omega-6 fats, which means staying away from soy oil.
3. Limiting your caffeine intake.
4. Avoiding foods and products that contain or have been exposed to pesticides, plastics, harsh cleaning chemicals, and non-organic personal care and cosmetic products They all contain hormone mimickers that disturb natural endocrine balance.
5. Getting enough sleep! Your hormones simply will not stay balanced if you’re not getting enough sleep.
6. Getting adequate omega-3 fats, such as those found in fish, olive, and nut oils.
7. Adding one to two tablespoons of coconut oil in your diet every day. It’s a great building block for your hormones.
8. Getting your lymph moving! I mentioned exercise before, but dry skin brushing can also be beneficial and it’s easy. Just use a soft natural-bristle brush and brush your skin in one direction for about five minutes once or twice a day. It’s relaxing, feels good, and is a great way to eliminate toxins!
9. Exercising with weights to strengthen your entire body, but specifically your buttocks and legs.
10. Eating a diet high in healthy fats and proteins and low in refined, processed carbohydrates.

Final Thoughts

Fighting cellulite can largely be summed up as adopting a natural, healthy lifestyle — and that’s something that offers countless benefits in its own right. Have you ever tried to reduce cellulite? What did you find to be the most successful? Please leave a comment and share your experience with us!

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


1. Katherine Harmon. Is Cellulite Forever? Scientific American. May 8, 2009.

2. Dr. Diana Howard. Cellulite The International Dermal Institute.

3. Peter Crosta. What Is Cellulite? What Causes Cellulite? Medical News Today. May 10, 2009.

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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Is too much exercise dangerous for your heart?

Is too much exercise dangerous for your heart?


Engaging in too much strenuous physical activity can potentially take a very serious and lifelong toll on your health, suggests a new review published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Dr. James O'Keefe of Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City and his colleagues evaluated a series of studies on cardiovascular injury caused by excessive endurance exercise and found that some people who exercise too much could develop permanent damage to their cardiovascular and arterial systems.

In the short term, extreme endurance training can cause temporary damage to the heart and arteries, which eventually heals during periods of recovery. But repeated and perpetual endurance training can cause chronic injuries in some people, resulting in patchy scarring of the heart, abnormal heart rhythms and coronary heart disease. If the body is not allowed to heal properly, in other words, and is constantly pushed to extreme levels, the consequences could be severe.

According to the data, 12 percent of runners who participate in marathons were found to have patchy myocardial scarring. Runners who participate in marathons were also found to be significantly more prone to developing coronary heart disease compared to runners that do not participate in marathons. Ultra-marathon running and professional cycling were also linked to a 500 percent increased rate of atrial fibrillation, also known as abnormal heart rhythms.

"A routine of daily physical activity can be highly effective for prevention and treatment of many diseases, including coronary heart disease, hypertension, heart failure, and obesity," says Dr. O'Keefe. "However ... a safe upper dose limit potentially exists, beyond which the adverse effects of physical exercise, such as musculoskeletal trauma and cardiovascular stress, may outweigh its benefits."

The issue pertains primarily to individuals that participate in so-called "extreme" endurance activities such as long-distance cycling trips or races, marathons, triathlons and even some of the popular team-based endurance events that include long periods of running, climbing, swimming and cycling. It does not necessarily apply to those engaging in routine exercises that promote health.

However, if not kept in check and at proper intervals, extreme endurance training of any kind can potentially lead to Phidippides cardiomyopathy, which is the name often used to describe sudden death due to fatal heart damage. This is presumably the condition that has taken the lives of several young teenagers in recent years, all of whom dropped dead suddenly while playing sports.

Sources for this article include:

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Tips to increase breast milk production

Tips to increase breast milk production


If you Google ways to increase your breast milk supply, you'll find a wide range of advice, not all of it healthy. Ideas range from prescription medicines to drinking Gatorade, and most of them are poor choices. Many advocate increasing refined sugar intake through sugary drinks and fruit juices.

If your breast milk supply is low, the first two things you need to ask yourself is, "Are you getting enough to eat?" and "Are you drinking enough water?" While sugar can help increase milk supply, extra sugar can also lead to diaper rashes. Instead of fruit juices or refined foods, reach for fruit and water first. Here are four simple, healthy ways to increase your breast milk supply.


Proper hydration is the number one key to keeping a good milk supply flowing. Drinks like Gatorade, with all of their artificial flavors, colorings, and additives, actually hinder your milk supply. A good rule of thumb is to drink an 8-oz glass of water every time you breastfeed and carry around a water bottle to sip on throughout the day. Make sure most of what you drink is water, but if the idea of plain water is unappealing, other options do exist.

Other good sources for hydration include coconut water and fruit infusions. Besides tasting great, coconut water is a great source of minerals and electrolytes. Fruit infusions are flavored waters that have traces of vitamins and minerals; they are easy to make at home. Although it may be easier said than done for some, try to avoid caffeinated beverages. If you do drink coffee or tea, make sure to drink extra water.

On the other hand, too much water in the system can inhibit breast milk production. Stay hydrated, but don't keep adding fluids to the body if hydration is not the problem.

Breast Pumping

While not the first go-to for many mothers, pumping, if done in addition to nursing, can be a highly effective way to increase supply. Tricks include pumping after each nursing session, adding an extra pumping session or two during the day, cluster pumping, power pumping, and nursing vacations.

Cluster pumping is when you nurse and pump every half hour or hour for a couple of hours.

Power pumping is like interval training for breastfeeding. Plan to do this for a couple of days. Pick an hour where you can sit and relax. Pump for twenty minutes, rest for ten, pump again for ten, rest for ten, then pump again for ten minutes.

Nursing vacations include spending two to three days, trying to relax and nurse and pump as often as possible.

All of these techniques help increase supply by mimicking the increased demand from a baby during a growth spurt. Simply put, increased demand for milk will increase the supply.

Natural Galactagogues

Because breast milk production is maintained by local feedback mechanisms (autocrine control), more frequent and more thorough emptying of the breast typically results in an increase in supply. A galactagogue is a substance that promotes lactation in humans and other animals. Natural galactagogues include foods, herbs, teas, and nutritional supplements. If the breast milk supply is low, even after breast pumping, it may be time to look at galactagogues, but do consider a thorough evaluation with a natural health care practitioner who is familiar with maternal health issues. Maternal hypothyroidism is a common cause of low breast milk production, and medications can also reduce milk as well. For more on increasing breast milk production see the long version of this article, Galactagogues Foods, Herbs, and other Ways to Increase Breast Milk Production Breast milk is only as good as the diet the breastfeeding mom ingests. If there is diaper rash present, it's more often than not caused by Candida. Here's how to kill it And see more on hypothyroidism here


About the author:
Kristina works at Green Lifestyle Market A few years ago Kristina was no stranger to illness, but she decided to pursue health and vitality through natural means when she became pregnant. She quickly learned that she could prevent morning sickness and other common ailments other pregnant woman experienced with the right diet. After a healthy home birth, and a beautiful child, she never looked back. Kristina has not had so much as a cold since, and at two years old and unvaccinated, neither has her child. She's passionate about natural health, environmental conservation, and raising her healthy baby without pharmaceuticals.

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