Tuesday, December 29, 2015

US farm workers sue Monsanto over cancer likely caused by Roundup herbicide

US farm workers sue Monsanto over cancer likely caused by Roundup herbicide


Monolithic science experiments are frequently being carried out on humans and the environment through the use of agro-chemicals and genetically modified seeds. Every time a new agro-chemical is invented, stronger than the one before it, the hypothesis remains the same — these agricultural experiments are safe and pose no threat to the health of mankind or the environment. As proven by the numerous lawsuits filed against corporations like Monsanto, however, the dangers are apparent and real.

Despite the growing concern against the negative effects of its experiments and products, Monsanto continues to get Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval and government subsidies so they can continue with their operations. In fact, the most popular herbicide in America, glyphosate, can now allegedly "be used without unreasonable risks to people or the environment," according to a statement made by the US EPA in 2013.

Monsanto experiments turn food into pathway to modern disease

How does Monsanto's experiments operate, anyway? Scientists genetically splice natural, God-given seeds by inserting foreign DNA into the seed genome. Monsanto's most nefarious and far-reaching method of agricultural control came about when they started genetically altering seeds so that crops could only be grown using their very own herbicide, called Roundup (glyphosate http://www.glyphosate.news/).

Since the seed is designed to withstand Roundup, Monsanto can now control the entire industrial agricultural system by simply making crops glyphosate-immune and having Roundup dominate the market. Today, 80% of genetically modified crops, including corn, soy, canola, cotton, beets and alfalfa, contain Monsanto's original Roundup Ready gene.

Like rats in a cage, many people are unaware that the food they consume have been modified specifically to withstand Monsanto's famous herbicide. The food products that many people blindly consume on a daily basis come directly from crops sprayed with Roundup. Crops sprayed with Roundup are no longer healthy at all. Food that should nourish our system have instead become toxic pathways to many disease processes in the human body.

How glyphosate kills

Glyphosate kills weeds by disrupting their shikimate pathway, where amino acids essential for their survival are synthesized. The shikimate pathway of Roundup Ready crops, on the other hand, are genetically engineered to withstand this attack.

Monsanto concludes that glyphosate is safe for humans because mammals do not have a shikimate pathway. However, what the biotech industry fails to recognize is that the shikimate pathway is also present in human gut bacteria. This diverse network of gut microbes (which are being destroyed by glyphosate) helps the human host digest food, synthesize vitamins and maintain immune system homeostasis. Additionally, gut microbes protect the gastrointestinal tract from being permeated by heavy metals and other foreign toxins. Glyphosate literally initiates disease processes in the body by suppressing and killing off these beneficial gut microbes, particularly through the inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes.

Farmer with bone cancer sues Monsanto

Monsanto's claim about glyphosate's safety is continually being debunked. In March 2015, the consensus of independent scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) revealed that there is "convincing evidence" that glyphosate causes cancer in lab animals.

As more and more data are published on the matter, people are starting to make the connection between Roundup exposure and cancer.

Enrique Rubio, a 58-year-old farmer from California who was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1995, was able to make a connection. For several years, he worked directly with Monsanto's Roundup in California, Oregon and Texas. He sprayed cucumbers, onions and other vegetable crops with glyphosate. He was always told the chemical was safe and posed no risk to his health — until one day, he was suddenly diagnosed with bone cancer http://www.dreddyclinic.com/findinformation/cc/sarcoma.php. Today, he is accusing Monsanto of downplaying the risks of the herbicide he used countless times over several years.

On the same day Enrique filed suit, Judi Fitzgerald joined the fight from New York. The 64-year-old woman was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012. She worked directly with Roundup in the 1990s while working at a horticultural products company.

Both lawsuits claim that Monsanto's Roundup is a "defective" product that is "unreasonably dangerous." It also claims that Monsanto pressured the EPA to give Roundup the green light.

Even though the World Health Organization agrees and describes glyphosate as a "probable or possible carcinogen," the biotech industry has always fought back against scientifically validated allegations, not caring one bit about the people they have harmed, and — if all these experiments continue — will continue to harm in years to come.



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