Sunday, January 31, 2016

Plastics chemicals cause genital malformation in male infants

Plastics chemicals cause genital malformation in male infants

A new study has added more evidence that prenatal exposure to the ubiquitous plastic-softening chemicals known as phthalates can produce genital malformation in male children. The study was conducted by researchers from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and published in the journal Human Reproduction on February 19.


Numerous other studies have suggested that phthalates may damage the development of the male reproductive tract. In addition to plastics, the chemicals are widely used in lotions, perfumes and other cosmetics, as well as food packaging and medical supplies. They have been conclusively established as endocrine disruptors, meaning that they disrupt the normal function of the body's hormonal system.

Phthalates have also been linked with damage to the nervous system.

Changes linked with adult reproductive problems

The study was conducted on more than 700 pregnant women and their children, from four U.S. cities. The researchers took samples of the women's urine during the first trimester of pregnancy -- the time period when the fetal reproductive tract is starting to develop -- and measured levels of 11 different phthalate metabolites. They found that newborn boys who had been exposed in utero to the highest levels of the phthalate known as diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) had an anogenital distance 4 percent shorter than boys exposed to the lowest DEHP levels.

Anogenital distance (the length between the anus and the genitals) is a marker of reproductive health. Because anogenital distance tends to be 50 to 100 percent longer in males than in females, researchers believe that a shorter anogenital distance in males might be a sign of incomplete masculinization -- an effect consistent with phthalates' proven ability to mimic estrogen in the body. Prior studies have also shown that phthalates including DEHP may block the testes from producing male sex hormones.

No connection was found between anogenital distance and exposure to the 10 other phthalates No connection was found in newborn girls.

It is still unknown whether the shortened anogenital distance seen in the current study could lead to other health problems, or whether it is a non-causative marker of such changes. It is also unclear whether the change was permanent or the boys' anogenital distance would normalize as they matured.

Studies in animals have, however, connected shortened anogenital distance at birth with later reproductive problems, and human studies have linked it to eventual semen problems and testicular abnormalities.

Phthalates are everywhere, but you can still reduce exposure

Though, three phthalates, including DEHP, were banned from U.S. children's products in 2008, the chemicals are still ubiquitous. Lead author Shanna Swan noted that, based on the new study and studies she conducted in 2000-2002, 2005 and 2008, DEHP exposure has consistently been dropping. Yet even the lesser exposure now found still seems to produce health effects.

"We are finding a significant association between male anogenital distance and phthalates at lower and lower levels, which suggests that there may be no safe level of exposure," she said.

In addition, many other phthalates are still used in consumer and industrial products at high levels. A June 2014 study in the journal Environmental Health showed that a young child eating a typical U.S. diet is exposed to twice the phthalate levels considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency from food and food packaging sources alone.

So what is a concerned parent or consumer to do? Swan suggests avoiding processed foods, which are more likely to come into contact with phthalates. In addition, a 2010 study found that eating a vegetarian diet for just five days led to an immediate and dramatic drop in phthalate levels in the urine.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

20 Reasons Why You Need A Chemical and Toxic Metal Cleanse

20 Reasons Why You Need A Chemical and Toxic Metal Cleanse

Everyday, we are bombarded with toxic metals and chemicals that can have a negative affect on our health. This can include the development of cancer, as well as many other diseases. There are things you can do to prevent these toxic metals from affecting your overall health. I personally recommend doing a toxic metal cleanse with Zeotrex


1. One out of every ten women of childbearing age has dangerously high concentrations of mercury “…within one tenth of potentially hazardous levels” in their bloodstream. [1]
2. Many people have developed colitis from chronic ingestion of laxatives.
3. Industrial contaminants (such as dioxins, PCBs, and mercury), microbial contaminants (such as E. coli), and natural contaminants (such as aflatoxin) [can be found in foods].”
4. “In 1994, 62% of all food samples tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program (PDP) had detectable levels of at least one pesticide.”
5. “PDP data from 1994-96 … [stated 25] percent of the food samples tested had detectable levels of carcinogenic (cancer causing) pesticides, and 34%” possessed detectable levels of neurotoxic pesticides. [2]

Chemical & Toxic Metal Cleanse Kit

6. Some studies estimate 99% of the breastmilk in women residing in the United States contains measurable levels of DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane), the first modern toxic chemical pesticide.
7. In the United States, eight times more antibiotics are used for the livestock industry than for human inoculation against disease. [3]
8. In a study where pigs were fed large amounts of synthetic B vitamins, the pigs produced sterile offspring. Synthetic vitamins provide no nutritional value-they are poisonous!
9. Chlorine, acetone peroxide, benzoyl peroxide, and nitrogen dioxide are the most common oxidizing agents used during white flour processing in the production of white bread.
10. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutritional lobbying group, claims that sodium chloride (common table salt) could be “…the single deadliest ingredient in the food supply.” [4]
11. MSG is a toxic substance and causes adverse reactions, brain lesions, endocrine disorders, and other negative health problems.”
12. “The chemical, acrylamide, which is used industrially in the manufacturing of some plastics, is also apparently formed by the heating of starches. Foods with especially high levels of the chemical included French fries, potato chips and crackers.”
13. An alarming study published in the American Journal of Public Health estimates a 95% risk of developing cancer from regular consumption of chlorinated tap water! [5]
14. After being inside the body for 20 minutes, Aspartame begins breaking down from its original compound into methanol, formaldehyde (a Class-A carcinogen used to embalm corpses) and formic acid (ant venom).
15. Over 70% of the world’s coffee supply is contaminated with toxic pesticides and chemicals. It’s estimated that just one cup of coffee contains more than 2,000 chemicals, many of which are gastrointestinal irritants and cancer-causing agents. Also, the high heat used in roasting coffee beans causes the natural oils to turn rancid, further contributing to its chemical load.

Chemical & Toxic Metal Cleanse Kit

16. Playing and crawling on a typical floor exposes babies to contaminants such as dust mites, mold and mildew. Just one day of exposure introduces the equivalent of four cigarettes into an infant’s lungs.
17. “Every year, indoor air pollution is responsible for the death of 1.6 million people – that’s one death every 20 seconds… due to pneumonia, chronic respiratory disease and lung cancer…” [5]
18. The EPA lists over eighty “regulated” contaminants found in tap water such as chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, and numerous pesticides. This figure doesn’t even include unregulated toxins such as perchlorate (a chemical found in rocket fuel!).
19. The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) estimates “…as many as 56 million people in the 25 states reviewed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency … have been drinking water with unsafe levels of arsenic…”! [6] Arsenic is the number 1 cancer causing agent!
20. Bottled water, infant formulas, toothpaste, mouthwash and even vitamin supplements, now contain fluoride! Fluorides are more toxic than lead and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic.

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

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1. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Blood and hair mercury levels in young children and women of childbearing age Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2001 March 2. 50(08);140-3.

2. United States Environmental Protection Agency. America’s children and the environment, a first view of available measures$File/Ace-Report.pdf(PDF). 2000 December.

3. Epstein SS. Potential public health hazards of biosynthetic milk hormones Int J Health Serv. 1990;20(1):73-84. Erratum in: Int J Health Serv 1991;21(2):373.

4. Michael F. Jacobson PhD. Press conference on salt: the forgotten killer Center for Science in the Public Interest. 2005 February 24.

5. R D Morris, A M Audet, I F Angelillo, T C Chalmers, and F Mosteller. Chlorination, chlorination by-products, and cancer: a meta-analysis American Journal of Public Health. 1992 July. Vol. 82, No. 7, pp.955-963 doi: 10.2105/AJPH.82.7.955.

6. Natural Resources Defense Council. Arsenic in Drinking Water

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Autistic children have more toxic metals in their blood

Autistic children have more toxic metals in their blood


New evidence suggests that heavy metal exposure may be a cause of autism, in a study conducted by researchers from Arizona State University and published in the journal Biological Trace Element Research.

The researchers found that autistic children had significantly higher levels of numerous toxic metals in their blood than non-autistic children.

Autism is a neurological disorder that causes repetitive or restricted behavior and trouble with communication and social interaction. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it affects one in every 252 girls and one in every 54 boys in the United States. Although mainstream medicine long considered autism to be a hereditary disorder, increasing evidence is emerging that link the condition to various environmental factors, such as toxic exposure.

"Studies such as this improve our understanding," said Caroline Hattersley of the UK-based National Autism Society. Further studies should be performed to back up this research, she said.

More exposure equals more severe symptoms

The researchers tested blood and urinary levels of various toxic heavy metals in 99 children between the ages of five and 15. 55 of the children had autism, while 44 did not. The groups were similar in age and gender distributions.

The researchers found that autistic children had 41 percent higher levels of lead in their blood and 74 percent higher levels in their urine than non-autistic children. Their urinary levels of tungsten were 44 percent higher, thallium levels were 77 percent higher and tin levels were 115 percent higher.

All four of these metals have previously been linked with impaired brain function and development, the researchers noted, and can be toxic to other organ systems as well.

Based on three separate scales of autism severity, the researchers also found that higher blood levels of toxic metals were associated with more severe cases of autism. In fact, between 38 and 47 percent of all variation in autism severity could be explained by varying heavy metal levels, particularly cadmium and mercury This made toxic metal burden the single "strongest factor" predicting severity, the researchers said.

On one level, the findings come as no surprise, given the well-established neurotoxic effects of heavy metal exposure.

"We knew that exposure to lead makes people lose IQ points, and clearly it can induce autism," lead researcher James Adams said. "The study also showed that people with the highest levels are least able to excrete them."

The findings may have real-world implications for both preventing and treating autism, however.

"We hypothesize that reducing early exposure to toxic metals may help ameliorate symptoms of autism, and treatment to remove toxic metals may reduce symptoms of autism," the researchers wrote. "These hypotheses need further exploration, as there is a growing body of research to support it."

Adams has previously conducted research into the effectiveness of DMSA, a drug designed to remove toxic metals from the body. The study concluded that DMSA did indeed remove some metals successfully, and also reduced some symptoms of autism. Autistic children with the highest urine levels of metals benefited from the treatment the most.


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Sunday, January 24, 2016

20 Reasons Why You Should Do A Body Detox Today!

20 Reasons Why You Should Do A Body Detox Today!

It may shock you to know that the average person has about 300 or more toxic chemicals within their blood stream. While the body has the ability to process a moderate amount of toxins, 300 toxic chemicals is too much for anyone to have to bear. For this reason, more and more people are suffering from chronic illnesses and diseases related to toxic overload.


Why is this happening? Currently, our fast-paced, mass-produced environment leaves people little time to focus on their health. Toxic overload can come from the air we breath, the chemicals in our cleaning and beauty products, highly-processed or chemically-sprayed food products, as well as the wide array of consumer products dipped in flame-retardant chemical treatment baths.

Following a body detox helps your system re-set itself from a chemical overload. Through detoxing, you can help get rid of some of the garbage the body is processing, as well as eventually bring the system back into balance.

Here are 20 reasons why you should detox your body today!

1. Helps Ward Off Future Diseases

Doing a body detox will help you ward of any future diseases. There is nothing better for prevention than getting rid of toxins in the body. Many of today’s common diseases are related to environmental pollutants. By detoxifying, the body can let go of these harmful chemicals, thus increasing the immune system’s ability to function properly.

2. Cleans out your colon

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Following a colon detox program will help remove excessive mucus and waste from your digestive tract. As soon as you begin a body detox, you will notice a lightness in your intestinal tract. Your bowel movements will also begin to improve and you will be relieved of excess bloating and gas.

3. Lose Weight

Detoxing can also help you let go of any extra weight you are carrying. The body has a natural fat-burning mechanism. Oftentimes, toxins lodged in the system can actually block the body’s natural ability of removing fats.

4. Reduce Pain

Crystallized toxins are one of the most common causes of pain. Getting these toxins out of your body, will help reduce the amount of pain you may be experiencing.

5. Eliminate Some Medications

Many of our common ailments are directly related to toxins in the blood. By removing them, it’s not uncommon for many people to of these common complaints, such as headaches, migraines, cramps, etc., no longer needed pharmaceutical treatment.

6. Naturally Boost Your Metabolism

Following a body detox program will help help increase metabolism in your body. Once you start losing weight and cleaning out your intestinal tract, your body will be able to digest foods at a more efficient pace. You metabolism will naturally rise.

7. Aligns us with Natural Rhythms of the Earth

Most animal species go for months in a state of fasting and purging. This process helps to keep our system functioning at optimal levels. This is why animals in the wild never have chronic diseases.

8. Increases Absorption of Nutrients

When your digestive tract is clogged with excessive waste, it can be hard for all of the nutrients in your food to be absorbed. Doing a body detox will help clean out the excessive waste in the colon, thus increasing the absorption rate of vitamins and minerals in the food we eat.

9. Eliminates Body Waste

We all eat, therefore we all produce some sort of waste. Doing a colon detox will help clear out all the excessive waste that may be trapped in your intestinal tract, or other areas of you body.

10. Boosts Vitality & Energy Levels

Everyone who detoxes notices a feeling of lightness. They get more energy which allows them to complete everyday errands with renewed enthusiasm.

11. Purifies the Liver

Liver and Gallbladder Cleaner - Livatrex

The liver is where dangerous toxins are metabolized. With 300 different chemicals rushing to the liver, it is no wonder that this is the organ that suffers the most. Doing a body detox can help ease the amount of work the Liver has to do. There are also many ways to detox your liver

12. Increases Mental Clarity

After completing a body detox, many people feel as if “a fog has lifted”. Not only do you get more energy after a detox, but you also think faster and keep their focus for longer.

13. Gives Skin a Healthy Glow

It’s a well known fact that the skin is the largest organ. Beautiful, radiant skin is the first sign that you have removed toxins from your system. After completing a body detox, you will notice your skin clear up, and blemishes start to fade away.

14. Adds Years to Your Life

Studies have shown that toxic residues in the system can increase your chances of getting cancer, obesity, and many other disease that can lead to an earlier death. If you get those chemicals out of your body, you can literally add years to your life.

15. Slows the Process of Age-Degeneration

As the body removes toxins from the system, cells can get more nourishment. The more nourished our cells, the more we appear young and vibrant.

16. Boosts the Immune System

Detoxing boosts the immune system, helping protect us from everything from the common cold to cancer.

17. Helps you sleep better

Once you get all the dangerous toxins out of your body, you will start to notice a drop in many negative symptoms you may be experiencing. This will help you get a better nights rest, and allow your body the necessary sleep it needs to start the next day off strong.

18. Improves Your Hair

After completing a full body detox, you will notice the your hair become shiner and healthier. Just like the improvements in your skin, you will notice an improvement in your hair.

19. Positive Healing Effect on the Emotions

Many people believe that detoxing your body gives you the opportunity to “go within” and heal many emotional issues that may be on your mind. Not only will you notice improvements in the way your body feels, but you may also feel a renewed sense of clarity.

20. Reduces Bad Breath

If your intestinal tract has excessive waste, or you frequently experience constipation, then it’s very possible that you may sometimes have bad breath. This is because sometimes bad aromas could be lingering in your digestive system. Following a colon detox is just one of many bad breath you can try.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM

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