Monday, January 4, 2016

Kale is great for your sex life

Kale is great for your sex life


The health benefits of kale have been getting more and more attention as of late, especially due to the interest in kale chips as being a healthy snack. However, beyond just improving your general health, it can also improve your sex life, and it does so in a few different ways.

Kale is a superfood that helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, contributes energy and stimulates the brain by giving you a positive mood boost. It also keeps you feeling fuller longer due to the nutrient-dense nourishment it provides to your body and increases your sex drive by balancing hormone levels, which in turn gives you a great deal of energy. In just one cup of chopped, raw kale, you receive over 100% of the daily requirement for vitamins A, C and K.

The key vitamins that make kale sexy

The high vitamin A content in kale is essential for normal reproduction, and without it your body would decrease the production of sex hormones and cause your skin to get very dry and irritated. In addition, lack of vitamin A can cause both the testicles and ovaries to atrophy, which can cause sterilization. Therefore, having the vitamin A that kale offers can help keep you sexually healthy.

The high vitamin C levels in kale help the body to absorb iron, form blood cells and assist the metabolism of the adrenal gland, all of which contributes to better sexual performance. In addition, the iron in kale provides oxygen-rich blood to carry the nutrients and hormones that you need to your sex organs for pleasure and endurance.

Additional nutrients that make kale great for sex

Kale is also high in chlorophyll, which is an alkaline-forming food, and that means that it helps increase flexibility, endurance and range of motion in addition to reducing inflammation (which can make you feel slow and bloated).

Another vitamin in kale that helps with having good sex is vitamin B6, as it controls prolactin, which is a libido enhancer that increases sex-hormone production. As an added bonus, vitamin B6 in particular has also been shown to help decrease symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) but has been shown to only be effective when consumed from natural foods rather than a supplement; thus, kale is a great nutritional resource for women who suffer from it.

Kale also contains magnesium, which is important for the production of neurotransmitters and sex hormones that control the sex organs, and the potassium that kale contains also increases sex drive, making this vegetable a sexual powerhouse.

Androtrex Male Vitality Formula

Additional food for great sexual health

There are a variety of nutritious foods that contribute to a great sex life. See a list of other foods that contribute to great sex below:


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