Saturday, October 15, 2016

Here's how to evaluate heating and cooling properties of food using traditional Chinese medicine

Here's how to evaluate heating and cooling properties of foood using traditional chinese medicine

by: Julie Wilson
traditional medicine, thermal properties, cooling foods

(DrEddyClinic News) Did you know that almost all foods have a heating, cooling, or neutral effect? Understanding these properties is important when it comes to using food as medicine For instance, tropical foods are much more cooling than those grown in temperate zones, Rebecca Wood explains in her book, The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating.


The following is an excerpt from the text identifying the differences between whole foods and refined foods, as well as seven ways to pinpoint a food's thermal properties:

Medicinal benefits

Foods are more subtle in their action than an aspirin or shot of penicillin, but they undoubtedly act upon us. Nibble a Sichuan pepper or drink an espresso and you experience a physiological reaction. Foods have multiple energetic properties, and discerning and using these properties to enhance well-being are an age-old activity.

Hunter-gatherer peoples had a profound understanding of local plant species and knew each one's edibility and medicinal value. This ancient knowledge helped form Western Herbology and traditional Asian medical systems.

While much of this wisdom was lost in the West, it has, however, remained vital in India and even more so in China, where written records of a food's medicinal applications for humans extend unbroken for more than 4,000 years.

Traditional Chinese medicine has the most sophisticated and time-proven pharmacopoeia in existence.

Whole foods

A whole food has only one ingredient—itself. Most whole foods have been in our diets for eons. Favoring whole, intact foods builds your health. Fragmented foods, even whole wheat flour as compared to the whole wheat itself, impart less energy.

Eating integral foods that are capable of regenerating themselves supports our own regeneration. Nutritionally there's no difference between the whole wheat flour in a bagel and a handful of wheat grains ... energetically there's a world of difference.

Refined foods have something taken away from them and, therefore, are not as wholesome. Apple juice is just part of the apple and, as such, is metabolized as a simple sugar. In excess, fruit juice is problematic, though apple juice is far better (closer to being "whole") than a cane-sugar-sweetened soft drink.

But then a soft drink sweetened with what once actually grew (cane) is far superior to a drink sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, chlorine-containing Splenda, or the chemical compound aspartame

Traditionally refined foods that you can duplicate in your own home kitchen are in a different league than are today's highly processed foods Simple technologies do not denature a food. At home you can extract extra virgin coconut or olive oil from a coconut or olives, but you cannot produce "lite" olive oil or an aroma-free coconut oil.

Likewise, you can make delicious and healthful soymilk or tofu from soybeans, but you cannot make soy isolates, margarine, TVP, soy deli foods, or lecithin. Highly processed foods resemble nothing you could grow in your garden or produce in your home.

They've been stripped, colored, extruded, refined, bleached, injected, hydrogenated, genetically modified, irradiated, gassed, and grown with hormones, fertilizers, pesticides, antifungal agents, and herbicides.

No matter what the FDA claims or what slick marketing strategies exhort, ignore newfangled ingredients and products. Rely on whole foods that for thousands of years have promoted human health.

Thermal properties of foods

When consumed, foods have an overall cooling, neutral, or warming effect. This observation helped form Western Herbology and medicine from Persian times until the seventeenth century. It remains a critical tenet in traditional Oriental medicine as well as in Ayurvedic medicine.

While all agree that garlic is heating and watermelon cooling, exceptions arise, as a result of each model's paradigm. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine the overall effect of radishes is considered cooling.

But in Ayurvedic medicine, radishes increase agni, or digestive fire, and are therefore considered warming. Both are correct within their context. For consistency, I follow the traditional Chinese medical way of evaluating thermal properties

Here are seven rules of thumb that suggest a food's thermal properties:

1. Foods that take longer to grow, like cabbage and winter squash, are more warming than foods that grow quickly, like lettuce and summer squash.

2. A food is more cooling when eaten raw than when it is cooked.

3. Chilled food is more cooling than warm or room-temperature food.

4. Blue, green, or purple foods are more cooling than similar foods that are red, orange, or yellow; thus a lime cools more than a lemon does.

5. Cooking a food with more time, more oil or fat, less water, greater pressure, or at higher temperatures makes that food more warming.

6. Foods cooked over gas or wood heat impart more warmth than foods cooked with electricity. A microwave-cooked food holds and conveys even less warmth than food cooked on an electric range.

7. Tropical and subtropical foods tend to be more cooling than foods grown in temperate zones.


Wood, R. (1999) The new whole foods encyclopedia: A comprehensive resource for healthy eating (Penguin/Arkana)

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