Friday, July 31, 2015

Using Oxy-Powder even if you are healthy

Using Oxy-Powder even if you are healthy

Even if your health condition is fairly well, you should still use Oxy-Powder to safely cleanse your system. 

101 Painless Ways to Detoxify Your Mind, Body, and Home

101 Painless Ways to Detoxify Your Mind, Body, and Home

By Laura Milligan
Crash diets and certain fads that promise to give your body the detox treatment are not only harmful to your health, but they can leave you feeling cranky, irritable, exhausted and starving. There are some beneficial long term effects of detoxification, however, including a more focused mind, more energy, clearer skin and decreased chances of developing cancer and other chronic diseases. If you’re interested in detoxifying your entire mind, body and living spaces, but aren’t ready to starve yourself or cause yourself more stress on a crazy diet, use this list to incorporate 101 painless ways to get the results you want.

Bad Habits to Break

Hardcore smokers may not consider giving up their vice "painless," but there are alternative treatments that help you break these and other bad habits, freeing your body of harmful chemicals, slower metabolisms and inefficient digestive systems.

Smoking: Every time you smoke a cigarette, your body has to fight off harmful amounts of tar, smoke, nicotine, ammonia and carbon monoxide, as well as other toxins.

Alcohol: While some doctors and scientists argue that a low to moderate consumption of alcohol is beneficial to your health, alcoholic beverages put a lot of stress on your body, and are full of sugar and calories. If you drink even a little too much, you may notice differences in your digestion, headaches, nausea, sluggishness, and other toxic side effects.

Not getting enough sleep: Even though you’re not putting anything harmful in your body, not getting enough sleep can be harmful to you. Follow these tips to fall asleep faster and understand why sleep is so important.

Eating fast food and frozen food: Even if you think you’re getting a good meal from a frozen dinner, the important minerals and vitamins have probably been cooked out of the foods already. Fast food tends to have a lot of extra salt, fat and artificial flavoring, all of which add unnecessary toxins to your body and make you feel weighted down.

Short temper: If you’re constantly getting angry at people or suspecting them of cheating you out of something, your mind is never at peace. Learn to relax by learning to fix a short temper.
Over dieting: Though a good diet that’s free of fast food, junk food and too much alcohol is an important step in detoxifying your body and mind, over dieting can be harmful as well. If you’re depriving your body of nutrients or causing your body stress by binging and purging, you need to change your dieting habits.

Clutter: A cluttered home causes emotional stress. Increase productivity and give yourself a sense of calm by taking out the trash, cleaning the dishes and reducing clutter.
Being negative: Get rid of negative thoughts and feelings, and you’ll find that a life filled with feelings of gratitude, optimism and perspective will make you more successful and happy.

Caffeine addiction: Being addicted to caffeine can be a serious problem for some people: too much coffee affects sleep patterns, energy levels, social skills, concentration and focus, and job performance. Get tips for breaking the caffeine habit here.

Isolation: Taking time out for yourself is a good way to get centered, but spending too much time alone isn’t good for your spirit. Visit a neighbor or family member for a little social interaction, which will keep you from feeling depressed and lonely. Read more>>

Sauna: Discover the Health Benefits at Home

Sauna: Discover the Health Benefits at Home

Internationally renowned natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola discusses the health benefits of sauna. Dr. Joseph Mercola also discusses the different types of saunas like Infrared Saunas and Traditional Saunas.

Detox Toxic Substance from Your Body, Clinical Nutrition

Detox Toxic Substance from Your Body, Clinical Nutrition

How body detox can change your life and improve your wellness.

High-Calorie Sports Drink Ruins Exercise Benefit

High-Calorie Sports Drink Ruins Exercise Benefit

By Sean Kelley

Usually when my blood sugar spikes above 300 (normal is 80 to 120), I blame lack of exercise or dietary exuberance. If my type 2 diabetes is out of control, it’s because I made poor but conscious choices that led to higher counts.

Last week, when my sugar shot high, exercise—not the lack of it—was to blame.

I’m not sure what possessed me to join a flag football league. I’m way past my prime and not in very good shape. But there I was trying to keep up with younger, more athletic men, sweating out what little energy I had under a hot, 90-degree Southern sun. Read More

Raw Food Liver Cleanse - Day 3

Raw Food Liver Cleanse - Day 3

Long-term raw foodists Angela Stokes and Matt Monarch experience Day 3 of a 4 Day Juice Fast Liver Cleanse.

Raw Food Liver Cleanse - Day 2

Raw Food Liver Cleanse - Day 2

Long-term raw foodists Angela Stokes and Matt Monarch share about Day 2 of a 4 Day Juice Fast Liver Cleanse.

Raw Food Liver Cleanse - Day 1

Raw Food Liver Cleanse - Day 1

Long-term raw foodists Angela Stokes and Matt Monarch embark on a 4 Day Juice Fast Liver Cleanse.

i am not the only crazy in town after all......

i am not the only crazy in town after all......

To anyone willing to listen, i warn you that this will be boring for most but it is my way of trying to educate people about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness. i recently wrote my first "Blog" for a website that deals with this health issue and, guess what?, i got some replies. what follows is my blog and one of the replies and then a website with a video that the "reply guy" made. i can tell you that when i started viewing his video i thought "you've got to be kidding" and then i realized that, hey!,

I've been there. I started feeling a lot of sadness for this guy. it is all just so hard to believe, goes. if you get to the very end, click on the website, but read the text first; you are being watched..Hi All,I recently had a conversation with my E/I doctor that made me realize that many people with MCS/EI are sick all the time for a very simple reason; they don't have a safe place to sleep. He was telling me that I was lucky because i did have periods of time where I did feel OK.

I told him what I am going to tell you now.I got sick in November of 1991. My primary concern over the years since then has been to find and maintain a safe place to sleep. My day is about something like walking through a minefield (can you relate?); trying to avoid the perfumes, cells phones, fabric softeners, computers, TV's, etc. that are everywhere.

This is not an easy task. My x-wife and I were married for nine years but lived together for only four. This is probably why we stayed together so long. For most of those years I woke up every morning and started my routine of trying to find a place where my whole family could live. During one of those periods, about a year, I lived alone in the Santa Fe Residence Inn sleeping in the fetal position on a small couch;

I could not get near the bed. OK. This can turn into a very long story and I don't want that so my basic belief is if you are sleeping in a place that makes you sick you will probably stay sick most of the time. When I have a reaction it usually lasts for the remainder of the day and into the night but, usually, by the next morning I am pretty much recovered. So, for those of you who think what I am saying might fit you need to do the work.

There is a protocol that I use in identifying places but I can tell you that in Santa Fe it was really difficult to find housing. I have a condo there now but can only be in one of the two bedrooms and not the walk-in closet. My kitchen and one bathroom are partially taped up to cover some of the invisible mold that got in there for various reasons. If I lost the condo I don't think I would look for new housing there.Best of Luck; we all need it,

Harry (4/21/08) written by Gordon D McHendry, April 15, 2008Hi Harry,Thank you very much for your post. You make an excellent point about how absolutely essential it is to find a safe place to sleep.Initially I had to sleep in my garden shed (for 6 years) to avoid being poisoned to death by an off gassing new bungalow. Then the shed was chemically contaminated (maliciously I suspect) driving me back indoors.

Fortunately, by then the worst of the off gassing was over - but the house itself (rented) still makes me ill.Though my 'home' still makes me ill it is the bedtime/night-time part that really wipes me out. I haven't had a proper bed for years as everything I try makes me very ill - very quickly.

For the past few years now I have had to sleep on a disintegrating 12 year old corner-unit sofa which poisons me so badly every night that I am reeling and staggering about like a drunk by the time I get up.The bed part isn't the only problem though. Bedding is just as bad - sometimes worse. I can't find a pillow either. And everything else I try now to lay my head on to sleep (see: http://www.mcs-international.o...illow.html) makes me rapidly and quite violently ill.So, between the bed and the bedding issues, I haven't had one single nights sleep in years that couldn't be described as "chemical torture".

This is why I was so appreciative of your post because you highlight what I consider to be the very worst aspect of MCS/Chemical injury; toxic bedding (other video here:http://www.mcs-international.o...dding.html).

The best of luck to you too Harry,Gordon D McHendryFounder & Campaign YES. THIS IS THE WEBSITE!!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Veggie burgers often contain hidden MSG

Veggie burgers often contain hidden MSG

Whether you're a strict vegetarian or simply an omnivore seeking to lower your intake of animal protein, you may find vegetarian convenience foods, such as veggie burgers, a tempting addition to your grocery cart. Beware, however, as many of the most readily available brands of veggie burgers betray the healthy impulse that makes you reach for them in the freezer section. The recipes for most commercial veggie burgers rely on industrial ingredients that may put your health at risk.

As you read the following ingredients lists, keep in mind that yeast extract, hydrolyzed proteins and autolyzed proteins are all hidden forms of MSG, containing "free glutamate."


Boca is one of the most readily available veggie burger brands, offered even in many grocery stores without a health food section. The label for Boca Burgers All American Flame Grilled patties lists these ingredients: water, soy protein concentrate, reduced fat cheddar cheese (pasteurized part-skim milk, cheese culture, salt, enzymes, annatto (color), vitamin a palmitate), wheat gluten, corn oil, contains less than 2% of methylcellulose, hydrolyzed corn protein, wheat gluten and soy protein, salt, caramel color, cheese powder (cheddar cheese (milk, cheese culture, salt, enzymes), cream, salt, sodium phosphate, lactic acid), dried onions, yeast extract, natural flavor (non-meat), sesame oil, disodium guanylate, disodium inosinate, browned in corn oil.

Morningstar Farms

Another readily available brand of meat substitutes is Morningstar Farms. The company's website describes its Quarter Pound Burger this way: "Our biggest better-for-you veggie burger is a super-satisfying quarter pound of authentic off-the-grill flavor." The ingredients listed on the package are: textured vegetable protein (soy protein concentrate, wheat gluten, water for hydration), corn oil, egg whites, calcium caseinate, contains two percent or less of modified tapioca starch, onion powder, mixed triglycerides, canola oil, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (corn gluten, wheat gluten, soy protein), dextrose, soy protein isolate, natural and artificial flavors, salt, yeast extract, sugar, caramel color, whey*, methylcellulose, spice, garlic powder, maltodextrin, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, soy sauce (water, soybeans, salt, ethyl alcohol, wheat), autolyzed yeast extract, ascorbic acid, thiamin hydrochloride (vitamin b1), niacinamide, sesame seed oil, soy lecithin, iron (ferrous sulfate), thiamin mononitrate (vitamin b1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin b6), riboflavin (vitamin b2), vitamin b12.

Amy's's Vegetarian section lists Amy's Texas Burger among its "Top 5 Best Tasting Veggie Burgers." This burger contains: textured soy protein (hexane free), organic soy fiber, organic onions, organic mushrooms, wheat gluten, filtered water, organic tomato puree, organic bulgur wheat, organic celery, organic evaporated cane juice, organic carrots, organic oats, organic walnuts, sea salt, organic potatoes, organic apple cider vinegar, organic blackstrap molasses, organic bell peppers, expeller pressed high oleic safflower and/or sunflower oil, organic garlic, natural hickory smoke flavor, grain vinegar, ground mustard seeds, spices*, black pepper. Read more

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A holistic approach for gum disease and cavities - step by step

A holistic approach for gum disease and cavities - step by step

The American diet is highly acidic, high in inflammatory fats, high in sugar, and all-around toxic for many other reasons. When the blood is acidic, the body pulls minerals from anywhere it can find to correct the pH. This leaves fewer minerals for bones and teeth.

Fats are either inflammatory by nature or they have the opposite effect. Both are totally necessary, but the American diet is full of inflammatory fats, and to make matters worse, many are fats that do not occur in nature and are very toxic to us. So the average American is significantly inflamed throughout the body in many different ways. And of course, almost everyone eats too much sugar!

Foods to Avoid For Good Oral Health

    Refined Foods
    Acidic Foods
    Processed, prepackaged foods

To promote oral health eat produce, more vegetables than fruit, but whole, raw produce. That is what heals. Brown rice, quinoa, sprouted legumes, vegetable stir frys, and other whole foods have benefit, but raw, fresh, organic produce is what heals the body.

Balance the Gut

It is extremely difficult to have good oral health and poor gut health.

Anyone with serious mouth problems should consider a detoxification protocol that repairs the gut, kills Candida and other parasites, and balances the gut microbes. Good health starts in the gut, and so does bad health.

Stop Smoking

Smoking anything - tobacco, marijuana - anything, is very harmful to the mouth. So is vaporizing, but not as much so. If you want to have a healthy mouth, but you continue to smoke regularly, the best you can hope for with this regimen is for things to stay the same and not get worse. In my experience, those who do this and continue to smoke do notice that their mouth is not getting any worse, and generally symptoms will improve, but their mouths do not completely heal.

Lose the Toxic Toothpaste and Mouthwash

There are some decent toothpastes out there, but even if they are in the health-food section, make sure they do not contain any of the following ingredients: Sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), triclosan, artificial colors, flavors, or anything artificial, hydrated silica, alcohol.

Fresh Mouth

Floss Every Day, and Floss Correctly

Most people do not floss correctly, if at all. Flossing is imperative for anyone with gingivitis because the sides of the teeth need to be cleaned so food debris doesn't feed the bacteria. Read more

Sign the petition to remove Monsanto's cancer-causing Roundup

Sign the petition to remove Monsanto's cancer-causing Roundup

Did you know that your local Lowe's or Home Depot store has shelves filled with a toxic substance that an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared to be a probable human carcinogen? This substance is known as glyphosate; it's commonly marketed as the herbicide "Roundup" for killing weeds, and two new petitions are seeking its immediate removal from the market in the interest of public safety.

Created by Natural News, the joint petitions call on these major home improvement chains to take notice of the latest research on glyphosate and take immediate action. There's no reason why these stores should continue to sell a substance linked to cancerous tumor growth, human cell death, chronic kidney disease and many other serious health problems.

Many of our readers already know that Roundup is sprayed commercially on millions of acres of genetically engineered crops, polluting both the food supply and our environment. But this same deadly product is sold in the nursery section of your local hardware store or big box chain store for use in home gardens and lawns, where animals roam about and where children play.

By continuing to sell this product, Lowe's and Home Depot are contributing to the glyphosate-induced health epidemic sweeping our nation. Roundup is also destroying the lives of indigenous people groups throughout South America, where millions of acres of untouched rainforest are being bulldozed to make way for genetically modified soy plantations.

"Carrying this product is irresponsible and endangers the health of the public and particularly children," warns both petitions.

Please read and sign the petitions at the following links:

Home Depot:


EPA has known since 1985 that glyphosate causes cancer, but has done nothing

Astonishingly, our own Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been aware of glyphosate's carcinogenicity since at least 1985 when scientists found that rats exposed to the herbicide developed cancerous tumors. But the regulatory body never did anything with this information, instead allowing glyphosate use to expand and become the world's most popular herbicide.

"On the basis of tumours in mice, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) originally classified glyphosate as possibly carcinogenic to humans... in 1985," explains a press release issued by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) on March 20, 2015.

"The IARC Working Group that conducted the evaluation considered the significant findings from the US EPA report and several more recent positive results in concluding that there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals," adds the release. Read more

Monday, July 27, 2015

Pizza boxes and food containers contain cancer-causing chemi

Pizza boxes and food containers contain cancer-causing chemi

Widespread industrial chemicals found in pizza boxes and household dust are dangerous to human and environmental health, a group of environmental scientists has warned in an editorial published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives on May 1.

The editorial, known as "The Madrid Statement," was signed by 200 scientists from 38 countries. It urges restrictions on the group of chemicals known as PFASs, and warns against adopting alternatives to PFAS without first subjecting them to rigorous safety testing.

"[R]esearch is needed to find safe alternatives for all current uses of PFASs," wrote Linda Birnbaum of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Phillippe Grandjean of the University of Southern Denmark and the Harvard School of Public Health in an accompanying commentary.

"The question is, should these chemicals continue to be used in consumer products in the meantime, given their persistence in the environment?"

Ubiquitous and deadly

PFASs (perfluorinated alkylated substances, also known as polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl) are ubiquitous in modern life. They are used to repel oil and water in products such as pizza boxes, waxed pastry bags or beverage cups, wax paper and even carpet treatments. They are also prized for their ability to increase items' durability while resisting high temperatures. Read more

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The elimination of heavy metals in dental practice

The elimination of heavy metals in dental practice

In modern holistic dentistry, the elimination of heavy metals has an increasingly important part to play, and can no longer be omitted from
the majority of treatment plans. Again and again, in the initial exploratory consultation, patients show a lack of understanding regarding the need for eliminative treatment. These fillings - mainly amalgam fillings - have been in place for years, they say, and there have been no problems with them. But just as frequently one encounters the opposite extreme: Patients place the entire blame for their health problems on the amalgam and, apart from its removal, they do not wish for any other treatment, such as removal of the metal mix from dental alloys and replacement with biocompatible, uniform dental metals.

Origins of heavy metal burdens from dental materials

In the German Federal Republic, as in other industrialised nations, it is regarded as normal for people to have several amalgam fillings in their
teeth. Again and again, in a wide variety of publications from conventional dentistry, reference is made to the absence of any risk of toxicity from amalgam fillings. It is likewise regarded as normal that a number of different metals and metal alloys are employed in dental treatment. As a child one’s first dental cavities were filled with amalgam. In the course of one’s life the teeth suffer more and more, to the point where they can no longer be filled, instead of which they are restored with metal crowns composed of a wide variety of metals. Read more

Five herbs your liver will love - detox, boost function and

Five herbs your liver will love - detox, boost function and

The liver is the largest solid organ in our bodies. It can be adversely affected by poor diet and lifestyle choices, alcohol consumption, acetaminophen, non-prescription pain killers, and the myriad of toxins in our environment.

It is responsible for filtering blood from toxins and converts waste products from metabolic functions into urea to be eliminated by urine. It creates bile to help digest fats and carbohydrates.

It also filters out toxins from the blood stream and synthesizes glutathione, the master antioxidant that also helps recycle other spent antioxidants. It also helps balance blood sugars and creates red blood cells.

As our liver goes, so goes our overall health. A poorly functioning liver can push one into diabetes. Acute liver dysfunction includes hepatitis A, B, and C, which are considered infectious, viral inflammations caused by interpersonal contact, sexual contact, or blood.

Not everyone agrees to the viral aspect of hepatitis, especially hepatitis C, but everyone agrees that inflammation is the issue. Cirrhosis of the liver is usually from too much alcohol consumption. But the latest large surge in liver disease comes from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Mainstream medicine is quick to jump on serious interventions, such as liver transplants, if they perceive too much damage for the liver to recover.

Fortunately, under the right conditions, the liver can remain very healthy or be healed regardless of the affliction because it can self-repair cell damage. Read more

Friday, July 24, 2015

Alkaline-forming foods prevent acid reflux, heartburn, GERD

Alkaline-forming foods prevent acid reflux, heartburn, GERD

Acid reflux is the condition where food and stomach acids regurgitate back into the esophagus, causing burning pain in the lower chest accompanied by a host of other symptoms such as bloating, belching, sore throats, snoring, difficulty breathing and ulcers.

The early stages of digestion occur with the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to break down foods. Later during the digestive process, bicarbonate is released by the pancreas to help neutralize those acids. In some instances, this process doesn't happen, contributing to painful reflux or GERD symptoms. Eating certain alkaline-forming foods can help reduce over-acidity and calm the stomach, relieving pain and other unwanted symptoms. In addition, foods that contribute to an alkaline-forming state in the system help prevent acidosis, a serious bodily condition that sets the stage for all disease.

High-potassium foods

Foods with high levels of potassium may help prevent or resolve acid reflux. The list is considerable and many are foods you may already include in a daily dietary plan. Bananas, honey, lemons, apple cider vinegar, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes - to name a few - are excellent sources of potassium.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) in particular is touted by many people as an effective cure for acid reflux. If using ACV, it is best to mix one to two tablespoons with an eight-ounce glass of water and drink it all at once. If that's too much vinegar, reduce the amount and work back up to the full quantity. Always use organic vinegar with "the mother" visible in the jar; it looks like a swirling cloud and indicates the vinegar is organic.

Lemon juice makes a slightly milder drink than does the ACV and works in a similar manner, to neutralize stomach acids and reduce heartburn and acid reflux. Squeeze the juice of one half lemon into eight ounces of filtered water and drink it at once. It's even more effective if the water is warm, but avoid warming it in a microwave oven. Read more

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Government to Impose Limit on Number of Students in Nursing

Government to Impose Limit on Number of Students in Nursing

To address the problem of oversupply of nurses, the Philippine government may impose a ceiling on the number of nursing schools and nursing students throughout the country.

The plan of different government agencies to limit the number of college students in a nursing course was disclosed by the undersecretary of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Carmelito Pineda. Representatives of different government agencies recently held a meeting to discuss ways on how to limit the increasing number of unemployed nurses in the Philippines.

Pineda said, “The Commission on Higher Education was asked to look into a possible limit because we really have an oversupply of nurses at this time. During the discussions, we have learned that a high 20 percent of the 400 schools offering nursing courses nationwide have zero passing rate in the licensure examination,”

According to the undersecretary, a moratorium in the establishment of new nursing schools was implemented in 2004 but it failed to decrease the number of new nursing institutions. As of last year, there are a total of 450 nursing institutions in the country. Read more

Ozonated Olive Oil Promotes Oral Health

Ozonated Olive Oil Promotes Oral Health

The use of oxygen in complementary therapies has been gaining momentum in recent years, particularly in the area of dentistry. While ozonated olive oil has many practical and effective uses, such as supporting skin health, research has shown it to be especially helpful for supporting gum health. Gingivitis, typically caused by diets laden with sugar and refined carbohydrates, is a growing issue today. One recent study is revealing just how powerful ozonated therapy can be in the area of teeth and gum health. If you’re currently suffering from any type of dental issue, you may want to continue reading.


Olive Oil: A Potential Complementary Approach

Ozone therapy isn’t an entirely new concept in dentistry. Previous research and medical reviews have discussed the importance of ozone in replacing antiseptic agents used against gingival infections. [1] A study published in Tanta Dental Journal evaluated 30 subjects with gum issues, each receiving standard approaches to gum issues. [2] Half of the group was subjected to both standard treatments and ozonated therapy. These patients received ozonated olive oil gel applied to the main site of gum damage.

The group that received the complementary therapy in addition to conventional treatment saw longer lasting improvements in symptoms. As a matter of fact, the ozonated therapy combined with root scaling resulted in sustained improvements for up to six months, while the benefits from the standard treatment alone only lasted about a month. Although the size of the study participants is relatively small, it is one study among dozens that indicate the effectiveness of ozone therapy in complementing standard medical applications. Read more

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Monk fruit - A Power food for diabetes

Monk fruit - A Power food for diabetes

By Sandeep Godiyal
monk fruit, diabetes, sweeteners

Diabetes is a serious public health problem, not only in the United States but all around the world. In America alone, the number of diabetics is estimated to be around 30 million and those numbers are expected to rise in the coming decades. Diabetes can not only be difficult to manage from day to day, it also puts people at risk for many serious health complications like heart attacks, strokes, infertility, blindness and amputations, just to name a few. Fortunately, there are more options than ever for diabetics who want to try to manage their condition naturally, and this humble gourd from Asia is one of them. Read on to learn more about the amazing monk fruit.

More on monk fruit

Monk fruit, also known as Luo Han Guo, is a member of the gourd family. It derives its common name from 13th century China, where monks there would live primarily off this fruit, which has long been valued as a longevity food in Chinese culture. Although it is eaten throughout many parts of Asia, fresh monk fruit is somewhat difficult to come by in this country due to the fact that it has such a short shelf life and cannot often survive the journey from farm to market shelf. This is one of the reasons why up until recently, it has not been heard of much in the West. Read more

Monday, July 20, 2015

5 Benefits of Colon Cleansing

5 Benefits of Colon Cleansing

With additives in our food, pesticides on our crops, and pollution all around us, many might say we live in a toxic age. Sometimes all that toxic buildup can take its toll on the colon, which encumbers digestion and overall health. When your colon is backed up with toxic material, your entire body becomes sluggish and unable to perform its day-to-day tasks. Luckily, your body does a pretty good job detoxifying itself on a regular basis; however, some toxins remain in the body and require some help to facilitate removal.


5 Benefits of Colon Cleansing

Helping your body detoxify itself isn’t too difficult when you stop and think about it. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise are two powerful components. But sometimes we need a bit more when it comes to toxins, many of which can easily store themselves in the colon. So, if you think you need a colon cleanse, or you just want to look into the idea, don’t put it off. Here are 4 great benefits of colon cleansing you should know.

1. Improves Digestion and Prevents Constipation

Constipation can make for poor digestion, and vice versa. When digestion is impaired and constipation ensues, waste products can linger in your body. This whole process can lead to the inability to absorb many of the nutrients you’re taking in, leading to a lack of energy and and hampered immune function. Detoxing your colon allows those undigested waste products to be pushed through your system and also puts some ease in your bowel regularity. Since lingering waste can breed bacteria, this purge clears the way for good nutrient absorption, thereby supporting good health. Read more

Saturday, July 18, 2015

#VitD #Lung Ca

How vitamin D helps prevent lung cancer

by: Aurora Geib 

Increasing vitamin D may now be a matter of life or death, as recent studies have shown that it may play a vital role in the fight against lung cancer. To date, lung cancer is one of the three most common cancers that kill men and women in developed countries with a statistic of one million deaths every year. Researchers from the University of California at San Diego discovered a correlative relationship between higher rates of lung cancer and less exposure to the sun. *Cancer and vitamin D* The study compared data from national and international databases and ... more »

Friday, July 17, 2015

Integrative Medicine Forum • View topic - What is Latero-Flora™?

What is Latero-Flora™?

What is Latero-Flora™?

Latero-Flora™ is a unique strain of Bacillus laterosporus (B.O.D.™ strain), a naturally occurring bacteria which populates the intestines with beneficial organisms that support digestion and promote a healthy colon. Available only through health professionals, Bacillus laterosporus was introduced commercially in 1989 and has grown in popularity with doctors, and healthcare professionals who use it and recommend it to their patients.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Latero-Flora™

1. Promotes Intestinal Balance

Your gut is the home to many microorganisms, some are helpful, some are harmful. Latero-Flora™ encourages a normal balance of friendly colonies that support good health and systemic function. Read more

Eliminate cancer cells safely with European Biological Medic

Eliminate cancer cells safely with European Biological Medicine

People are waking up to the limitations of conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. In reality, these treatment options never address the true cause of cancer and, actually, increase the risk of secondary cancers due to their toxic effect on the body.

Defeat cancer by strengthening the body. All cancers, regardless of their origin or type, develop due to low energy generated by environmental toxins and nutritional deficiencies. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Melina Roberts talk about a safe, effective way to eliminate the threat of cancer with the help of European Biological Medicine. Read more

Thursday, July 16, 2015 - Why detoxification is so important, and how to do it right

Why detoxification is so important, and how to do it right

To many, the word detox is just one of today's buzzwords--not a means to gain health. Others think of detoxing as a form of starvation. Nothing could be further from the truth--not if you do it right.

We live in a world filled with chemicals. They are in our water, in our air, and in nearly everything we touch. Too many of us bathe and shampoo with products laced with chemicals, then use chemical laden products to shave, to smell good, to soften our skin, to treat our blemishes, and more. Our skin soaks up these chemicals every day.

We pick up parasites from our food and our surroundings that take up residence in our bodies. Read more