Sunday, July 26, 2015

The elimination of heavy metals in dental practice

The elimination of heavy metals in dental practice

In modern holistic dentistry, the elimination of heavy metals has an increasingly important part to play, and can no longer be omitted from
the majority of treatment plans. Again and again, in the initial exploratory consultation, patients show a lack of understanding regarding the need for eliminative treatment. These fillings - mainly amalgam fillings - have been in place for years, they say, and there have been no problems with them. But just as frequently one encounters the opposite extreme: Patients place the entire blame for their health problems on the amalgam and, apart from its removal, they do not wish for any other treatment, such as removal of the metal mix from dental alloys and replacement with biocompatible, uniform dental metals.

Origins of heavy metal burdens from dental materials

In the German Federal Republic, as in other industrialised nations, it is regarded as normal for people to have several amalgam fillings in their
teeth. Again and again, in a wide variety of publications from conventional dentistry, reference is made to the absence of any risk of toxicity from amalgam fillings. It is likewise regarded as normal that a number of different metals and metal alloys are employed in dental treatment. As a child one’s first dental cavities were filled with amalgam. In the course of one’s life the teeth suffer more and more, to the point where they can no longer be filled, instead of which they are restored with metal crowns composed of a wide variety of metals. Read more

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