Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A holistic approach for gum disease and cavities - step by step

A holistic approach for gum disease and cavities - step by step

The American diet is highly acidic, high in inflammatory fats, high in sugar, and all-around toxic for many other reasons. When the blood is acidic, the body pulls minerals from anywhere it can find to correct the pH. This leaves fewer minerals for bones and teeth.

Fats are either inflammatory by nature or they have the opposite effect. Both are totally necessary, but the American diet is full of inflammatory fats, and to make matters worse, many are fats that do not occur in nature and are very toxic to us. So the average American is significantly inflamed throughout the body in many different ways. And of course, almost everyone eats too much sugar!

Foods to Avoid For Good Oral Health

    Refined Foods
    Acidic Foods
    Processed, prepackaged foods

To promote oral health eat produce, more vegetables than fruit, but whole, raw produce. That is what heals. Brown rice, quinoa, sprouted legumes, vegetable stir frys, and other whole foods have benefit, but raw, fresh, organic produce is what heals the body.

Balance the Gut

It is extremely difficult to have good oral health and poor gut health.

Anyone with serious mouth problems should consider a detoxification protocol that repairs the gut, kills Candida and other parasites, and balances the gut microbes. Good health starts in the gut, and so does bad health.

Stop Smoking

Smoking anything - tobacco, marijuana - anything, is very harmful to the mouth. So is vaporizing, but not as much so. If you want to have a healthy mouth, but you continue to smoke regularly, the best you can hope for with this regimen is for things to stay the same and not get worse. In my experience, those who do this and continue to smoke do notice that their mouth is not getting any worse, and generally symptoms will improve, but their mouths do not completely heal.

Lose the Toxic Toothpaste and Mouthwash

There are some decent toothpastes out there, but even if they are in the health-food section, make sure they do not contain any of the following ingredients: Sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), triclosan, artificial colors, flavors, or anything artificial, hydrated silica, alcohol.

Fresh Mouth

Floss Every Day, and Floss Correctly

Most people do not floss correctly, if at all. Flossing is imperative for anyone with gingivitis because the sides of the teeth need to be cleaned so food debris doesn't feed the bacteria. Read more

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