Saturday, August 8, 2015

What is a Lung Cleanse?

What is a Lung Cleanse?

A lung cleanse is a natural procedure designed to detoxify, cleanse and refresh the delicate respiratory linings of the bronchial passages and lungs by purging them of built up environmental toxins, harmful organisms and accumulated irritants. Cleansing the lungs is something that should be done on a regular basis due to the declining quality of indoor and outdoor air. The toxic air we breathe puts all of our lungs and respiratory tracts in danger. By using an all natural lung cleansing spray on a regular basis you can assist your lungs in cleansing these compounds, which in turn will support normal respiratory function.

AllerTrex Lung Cleanse

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Lung Cleansing

- Most people spend over 90% of their time indoors. This impacts lung health way more than outdoor air.
- Indoor air may have toxic chemical concentrations of up to 100 times higher than outdoor air! 1
- Over 35 million people in the U.S. alone have some form of chronic lung disease.2
- 50% of all illness, according to the American College of Allergies, is caused or aggravated by indoor air pollution.
- A 2007 report stated that scientists found a direct correlation between depression and a high concentration of mold in households.4

Shock Statistics About Air Quality

- Scientific America warns that a baby crawling on a normal floor inhales the equivalent of 4 cigarettes a day from out-gassing of carpets, dust mites, molds and mildew, fungi and other toxic chemicals.
- According to the EPA, SIX out of TEN homes and buildings are "sick" and hazardous to your health due to airborne pollutants.
- Over 1,000 types of mold and mildew have been identified in homes located in the United States.3
- Allergen levels in super-insulated homes are 200% higher than in ordinary homes.
- Over 6 million people in America are allergic to the pets in their homes! Read more

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