Monday, August 31, 2015

6 Brain Health Benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

6 Brain Health Benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)


Brahmi, or Bacopa monnieri, is a therapeutic plant used in Ayurveda for many purposes. Modern research has even begun to evaluate Brahmi’s role against several neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Although we need to be clear that Brahmi isn’t a cure or treatment for any of these health issues, supplementation with the herb has been evaluated and the results are interesting discussion nonetheless.

1. Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is marked by several defining characteristics and one is unstable chemicals in the brain. Brahmi has generated excitement as a potential therapy for schizophrenia because animal studies have reported that it stabilizes certain chemicals in the brain. The regulation of these chemicals may help some of the cognitive impairment common in persons with schizophrenia. [2] In one case study it was reported that a daily, 500-mg serving of Brahmi taken for one month led to a noticeable change in schizophrenia-related problems. [3]

2. Alzheimer’s Disease

Galantamine and rivastigmine are two Alzheimer’s drugs that are also plant extracts. They have been the catalyst for scientific investigations into other plants that have traditional use for memory and brain support. Brahmi is just one of the many plants being evaluated for a protective role in Alzheimer’s disease. [4]


Exactly why is Brahmi part of the discussion? Well, animal research has reported positive effects on cognitive function; an effect attributed to the plant’s antioxidant compounds. [5] As an antioxidant, Brahmi seems to work by protecting against the neural oxidative stress associated with Alzheimer’s disease. [6] It’s also believed to stimulate the brain’s own chemicals that protect neural cells. [7] Although the research isn’t yet conclusive, the possibility that person’s suffering from Alzheimer’s could potentially have a plant-based therapy is very exciting.

3. Epilepsy

One of the active compounds in Brahmi, Bacoside A, has shown to combat the brain changes associated with epilepsy. [8] It also seems to protect areas of the brain responsible for serotonin uptake and helps balance of the neurotransmitter. [9] Additionally, Brahmi appears to support brain function and affect behavioral deficits in epileptic patients. [10] 
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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Top 10 medicinal plants you can grow yourself

Top 10 medicinal plants you can grow yourself


Plants have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. Most medicine is derived from plants before they are laced with synthetic chemicals by pharmaceutical companies. You can cut the middle man out and grow medicinal plants in your very own garden. Freshly harvested herbs are inexpensive, are easy to grow, treat a wide range of illnesses and produce few side effects in comparison to over-the-counter drugs. Rather than consulting your nearest pharmacist at the first signs of illness, you can consult your nearest garden. Start cultivating your medicinal garden today with these powerful healing herbs.

1. Marigolds

Marigolds are orange and yellow garden flowers that you may already have in your backyard. They are loaded with antioxidants that can ward off free radicals, unstable molecules that damage DNA and cause cancer cells to proliferate. Researchers from Washington State University found that lutein, an antioxidant in marigold extract, can reduce tumors and prevent them from spreading in mice. In addition, marigolds work as an anti-inflammatory, which can provide relief to irritated skin, scrapes and burns. They also make an excellent pest repellent that paralyzes insects seconds after being consumed.

2. Basil

Basil is great for Italian cuisine, but it's also great for your health. It's an excellent source for beta-carotene, an organic compound that the body converts into vitamin A. The body needs vitamin A for healthy vision, cell growth and immune system function. Basil oil contains a compound called eugenol that can soothe swelling bones and joints in a similar way to how Advil and ibuprofen work. As an antibacterial, basil oil can inhibit bacteria from spreading even if they have become resistant to antibiotic drugs. You can transform both your garden and health with this amazing herb. Read more

What Is Shilajit?

What Is Shilajit?

Hailing from the Caucasus and Himalayan mountains, Shilajit (pronounced shi-lah-jeet) is a naturally-occurring substance that’s rich in beneficial nutrients. Although it’s somewhat unknown today, it is still prominent in many natural health practices, including Ayurveda. This blackish, smooth substance can be found in high concentrations in the Altai Mountains. One of the main constituents of the material is fulvic acid, which has shown some promise in heavy metal protection and brain support.


What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a sticky resin that oozes from rocks in the mountains in response from the heat of the sun. It is often referred to as “rock sweat” and “stone oil” for its tar and sap-like texture. You’ll often see shilajit as a black color, but it typically ranges in hue depending on location. The substance is rich in nutrients, like humic acid, A, B, and C vitamins, and trace minerals, and it may be useful for supporting men’s health. While shilajit research is by no means large, there is some evidence that its compounds can provide many health benefits.

What are the Benefits of Shilajit?

Shilajit may support healthy aging, increase the body’s ability to rejuvenate tissue, increase metabolism, boost the immune system, promote digestive health, and even help strengthen bones. Its effects on brain health should also be noted. Research shows that compounds in shilajit may be helpful for reducing Alzheimer’s disease risk. [1] According to some spiritual traditions, shilajit may also be helpful for cleansing chakras, or energy centers at various points of the body. [2]

Shilajit contains at least 85 substances and minerals that are essential for the human body, including vitamins A, B, and C, and essential minerals like iron, zinc, and magnesium. Due to its mineral content, some research suggests it may be helpful in cases of anemia. [3] It’s incredible as an antioxidant and helps neutralize harmful free-radicals. The antioxidants may explain why shilajit is so beneficial for brain health. Review of the literature on shilajit also shows the substance to be a powerful adaptogen. [4] Perhaps its best feature though is its rich concentration of fulvic acid. 
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

6 Benefits of Shilajit for Men

6 Benefits of Shilajit for Men

Men who live and work in the mountains are known for their strength and endurance, and it appears there’s more to it than simply the mountain air. Shilajit, pronounced shil-ah-jeet, is an organic tar-like substance that naturally occurs in mountains around the globe, from the Himalayas to the Andes. It may not sound tasty, but as you’ll see in a moment, it works. Ayurvedic doctors began using it hundreds of years ago for its potent health-supportive properties.


6 Benefits of Shilajit for Men’s Health

Shilajit contains several potent substances including antioxidants and humic and fulvic acid. The plant contains over 80 minerals that support the body, and many have an incredible effect on a man’s health. If you’re a man, no matter where you live, you’ll want to look into shilajit. Here are 6 health benefits of Shilajit for men that will hopefully convince you:

1. Supports Fertility

A study gave 60 men suffering from infertility shilajit twice daily for 90 days. At the end of the trial period, sperm counts in the men increased by more than 60%, and sperm activity improved by 12% or more. [1] This supports what Ayurvedic doctors have known for centuries. Any man dealing with infertility should consider this safe, natural alternative to address his condition.

Androtrex Male Vitality Formula

2. Promotes Testosterone Levels Naturally

It does more than increase the number and health of a man’s ‘swimmers.’ Men who take shilajit enjoy a boost to their testosterone levels, and a man needs higher testosterone levels to protect muscle tissue, keep fat off, and maintain a better overall mood and thinking. Read more

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The case of the disappearing sperm: French men's sperm count

The case of the disappearing sperm: French men's sperm count

The world is becoming an increasingly hostile place for the survival and persistence of masculinity, particularly with regards to male fertility and vitality. A deadly combination of estrogenic toxins in the food supply; harmful chemicals in the environment, and poor lifestyle is causing an ongoing and drastic reduction in men's sperm counts, according to a new study published in the journal Human Reproduction, which illustrates the continuing decline of men in today's world.

Researchers from France conducted their study specifically on French men aged 18 to 70, tracking average sperm counts across the country between the years of 1989 and 2005. According to their findings, sperm counts among all French men in this age range dropped by about 1.9 percent per year on average, and by 32.3 percent on average over the course of the entire 16-year period studied. The number of normally-shaped sperm in men also dropped by an astounding 33.4 percent during the study period.

"To our knowledge, this is the first study concluding a severe and general decrease in sperm concentration and morphology at the scale of a whole country over a substantial period," explained Dr. Joelle Le Moal, an environmental health epidemiologist and one of the study's authors, about the findings. "This constitutes a serious public health warning."

Though some have since tried to downplay the findings, claiming average sperm counts are still within an acceptable and fertile range, the downward trend observed in the study clearly illustrates a perpetual decline in male fertility, which more than likely extends far outside the borders of France and around the world. Based on the figures, average sperm concentrations dropped from 73.6 million per milliliter (mi/mL) among 35-year-old men in 1989 to 49.9 mi/mL among the same age group in 2005, highlighting a disastrous situation. 
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals make people angry, violent

Commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals make people angry, violent

Feeling irritable, paranoid or even violent lately? Before you blame other life triggers like your job, money problems or your significant other, you may want to examine your prescription drug regimen, as it could be changing you in more ways than you realize.

Close to 70 percent of Americans are taking at least one prescription drug and more than 50 percent are prescribed two or more, according to numbers released in 2013 by Mayo Clinic, meaning that it's probably even higher today.

Prescription drug use rose from 44 percent in 1999 - 2000 to 48 percent in 2007 – 2008. While the most common pharmaceuticals in use today include antibiotics, antidepressants and painkiller opioids, another drug is on the rise: statins, a class of drug routinely prescribed to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

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More than 35 million Americans may be on a drug that causes violent, suicidal and homicidal behavior, and it's not antidepressants

About 25 million Americans are currently taking statins, and under new guidelines issued in November, another 13 million may be eligible for the cholesterol-lowering drug.

While touted as being nothing short of a miracle for preventing heart attacks and stroke, a new study says statins may cause some pretty scary side effects including "aggressive, violently jealous, suicidal or even homicidal behavior."

Researchers from the University of California found a link between statins and aggression, particularly in postmenopausal women over 45-years-old. Interestingly, women who were innately calm exhibited the most aggressive behavior when on statins.

A separate study out of Pennsylvania State University found that women taking birth control pills were more jealous (to the point of violence) towards their partners.

Men, on the other hand, were much less likely to exhibit "large increases in aggression," says professor Beatrice Golomb, who led the statin research.

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Statins not just for lowering cholesterol, but also used for acne, asthma and birth control

Published in the journal PLOS One, the study suggests that lower levels of cholesterol in the brain could be to blame for aggressive behavior, as the waxy fat-like substance enables brain cells to communicate, and can be adversely affected when lowered.

Proof of this lies in the case of violent prison inmates, many of which have lower levels of brain cholesterol. Read more

Monday, August 24, 2015

Asians Seem to Suffer Less During Childbirth

Asians Seem to Suffer Less During Childbirth

Asian women experience less labor pain than other women, say U.S. researchers.

"Labor progress and pain are influenced by many different factors but are difficult to study because conditions during labor are continually changing," Dr. Pamela Flood, of the anesthesia department at Columbia University, said in a news release from the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

"We created mathematical models to assess labor progression and pain in 500 women having their first babies," Flood explained. "This technique has the benefit of allowing researchers to assess the labor experience for individual women, in addition to the responses of a group as is seen in this study. Ideally, in the future we can use this model to predict when and if a woman will be able to deliver vaginally."

The researchers studied 100 sequential deliveries from each of five ethnic groups -- Asian, Hispanic, black, white and other -- and found significant associations between ethnicity, labor progress and labor pain.

Asian women had slower active labor and reported less pain than women of other ethnicities. The researchers also found that women who weighed more generally had slower active labor. Read more

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Bifidobacterium bifidum: The Health Benefits of Probiotics

Bifidobacterium bifidum: The Health Benefits of Probiotics

There’s a lot of confusion out there about what makes a good probiotic, so let’s take a closer look at one of the most important around: Bifidobacterium bifidum. This bacterial strain is one of the most popular, commonly added to commercial yogurts and probiotic supplements. Its effectiveness for supporting digestive health could explain its popularity. Let’s discuss more about this powerful, beneficial bacteria.


Bifidobacterium bifidum: Health Benefits of Probiotics

After years of bacteria-bashing by the mainstream medical establishment and the push toward excessive use of antibiotics, it can be challenging to understand how bacteria can actually provide benefit. [1] You’ve probably heard how probiotics aid digestion, and it’s true, they do. But, they also do a whole lot more. High levels of good probiotic bacteria in your gut breakdown fiber, coat the inner lining of your intestines, and even stimulate your immune system. [2] Bad bacteria, like C. difficile or E. coli, suppress your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.

70%-80% of your immune response occurs in your gut, because that’s where antibiotics attack most germs and it’s where the majority of your immune cells go to fight off germs when you’re sick. [3] Probiotic bacteria actually attach to cells of the intestine and protect the physical lining of your intestine against damage from toxins or germs. This keeps toxins and germs out of your blood and prevents them from making you sick or disrupting cellular function. On top of all this, probiotics like B. bifidum also produce important vitamins like B12, biotin, and K2. [4]

Why You Need a Healthy Gut

Unfortunately, today it’s tough to keep probiotic levels in your gut stable. Antibiotics, illness, artificial sugar, and pesticides can kill off those friendly gut bacteria and let killer germs like C. diff. take up residence, leading to a common illness called ‘antibiotic-associated diarrhea’ (AAD). [5] When that happens, you’ve got trouble. Increasing levels of probiotic bacteria, like through a probiotic supplement, is essential in this case.

Bifidobacterium bifidum: A Strain You Want

When you were born, the B. bifidum strain was already present in your intestines, protecting you from germs. In fact, it made up nearly 95% of your intestinal bacteria! B. bifidum attaches to your intestinal lining and helps digest sugar. It also keeps germs and toxins away from your blood while it stimulates your immune system. Recent research even shows that Bifidobacterium bifidum reduces the incidence of cold and flu. [6] Read more

Saturday, August 22, 2015

FDA declares BPA exposure is safe! Don't worry about gender-bender chemicals

FDA declares BPA exposure is safe! Don't worry about gender- bender chemicals

Despite countless scientific evidence explaining the dangers of Bisphenol-A (BPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refuses to ban this highly profitable industrial chemical. In their "current perspective on BPA" the FDA now states that the chemical is "safe" at the exposure level listed on current product packaging.

BPA - wreaking havoc on hormones

Bisphenol-A is an industrial chemical found in many metal-based food cans and hard plastic bottles. It has been used since the 1940s and has evolved into a major industry, with over six billion pounds of BPA produced globally each year. With this much synthetic chemical running amok in the land and water, there are definitely consequences. In fact, BPA is a synthetic estrogen, which means it can disrupt the endocrine process in the body, manipulating estrogen levels. This affect has been scientifically linked to developmental disorders, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, early puberty, learning disabilities, and infertility.

Infertility and hysterectomy on the rise

Companies that manufacture BPA like Bayer, Dow, Hexion Specialty Chemicals, SABIC Innovative Plastics, and Sunoco need to look for more health- and environmentally-friendly ways to produce their products. BPA is responsible for infertility that is growing at an alarming rate. Take, for instance, the growing rate of hysterectomies - a surgical procedure that removes a woman's feminine parts. This procedure is simply the medical establishment's reactionary response to a women's infertility. This procedure now occurs 1,616 times per day in the United States. BPA definitely plays a role in disrupting a woman's hormones, causing fibroid and cysts that beckon infertility. The medical establishment only knows how to respond to infertility with surgery. Correcting the root problem of infertility by eliminating toxins is usually discarded as a waste of time, but detoxifying feminine parts with cleansing herbs is a very practical way to preserve a women's fertility.

FDA's wobbly stance on BPA cannot be trusted

After years of claiming that hormone-mimicking BPA was "safe for all uses," the FDA came out in 2010 and changed its stance. After assessing new scientific data at the time, they began to show "some concern" that the affects of BPA may be dangerous on infants and fetuses. They went on to support efforts to rid the chemical from infant formula cans and baby bottles. Now, in 2013, the FDA is stating that the BPA exposure listed on today's packaging is perfectly "safe". How can their off and on claims be trusted? A chemical not fit for children can't be any safer for adults. Sadly enough, most tests on BPA exposure find that 93 percent of urine samples contain trace amounts of BPA. This statistic suggests that most people are now walking around with synthetic chemicals in their body, harboring a disrupted hormonal structure. This hormonal havoc may even be contributing to bizarre mating habits and the loss of gender identity, especially during puberty. Read more

Friday, August 21, 2015

Vitamin D Levels Tied to Diabetes Risk in Obese Kids

Vitamin D Levels Tied to Diabetes Risk in Obese Kids

Low levels of vitamin D are much more common in obese children than in those who aren't obese and are associated with insulin resistance, a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, researchers have found.

The study included 411 obese children and 87 children who weren't overweight Researchers measured the children's vitamin D levels, blood sugar levels, serum insulin, body mass index and blood pressure.

The children were also asked about their daily consumption of soda, juice, milk, fruits and vegetables, and whether or not they routinely skipped breakfast.

The findings are slated for publication in the January issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

"Our study found that obese children with lower vitamin D levels had higher degrees of insulin resistance," lead author Dr. Micah Olson, of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, said in a news release from the Endocrine Society. "Although our study cannot prove causation, it does suggest that low vitamin D levels may play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes." Read more

11 Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism

11 Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism

While there are no short-cuts to losing weight, there are a few things you can do to boost your metabolism. Exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep are two of the best things you can do. However, there are also plenty of foods that speed metabolism, so adding them to your diet may give you the extra edge to lose more weight.


Below is a list of eleven foods that help speed up metabolism. Think of these foods as support mechanisms on your path towards fat loss, as any diet that keeps the pounds off requires sustained effort and exercise.

1. Hot Peppers

Jalapeno, habanero, cayenne and other forms of spicy peppers directly boost metabolism and circulation. In fact, eating hot peppers not only speeds up your metabolism, it also reduces cravings. This is related to its capsaicin content, a compound that stimulates the body’s pain receptors, temporarily increasing blood circulation and metabolic rate. If you have ever experienced a bout of intense sweating after eating a particularly hot tamale, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. In fact, studies have shown that eating hot peppers can boost the metabolism by up to 25%, with the spike lasting for up to 3 hours.

2. Whole Grains: Oatmeal and Brown Rice

Whole Grains

Whole grains are full of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that speed up metabolism by stabilizing our insulin levels. Slow-release carbs, such as oatmeal, brown rice and quinoa offer long-lasting energy, without the spikes associated with other sugar-rich foods. We want to keep our insulin levels low, as spikes in this chemical tell the body that it needs to begin storing extra fat.

3. Broccoli

High in calcium (a known weight-reducer), broccoli is also extraordinarily high in vitamins C, K and A. One serving of broccoli will also provide you with plenty of folate and dietary fiber, plus a variety of antioxidants. Broccoli is also one of the best detox foods you can add to your diet.

4. Soups

One study on soup done at Penn State University found that the liquid goodness offered an appetite reducing combination of liquids and solids that reduced intake of excess foods, speeding up the metabolism and burning fat. In the study, women chose one of three 270-calorie snacks before lunch.

5. Green Tea

It is now a well-known fact, through multiple scientific studies, that green tea extract can significantly boost the metabolism, as well as provide a variety of other health benefits. Green tea is delicious and it’s also rich in antioxidants that actively fight harmful free radicals! Read more

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

7 Reasons Why Stevia is Better Than Refined Sugar

7 Reasons Why Stevia is Better Than Refined Sugar

Stevia is a natural sweetener, derived from the stevia rebaudiana plant that was first discovered centuries ago in Paraguay by the native population. But it wasn’t until the late 19th century that a Swiss botanist working in South America documented the so-called “sweet leaf”, and brought it back with him.


Stevia is available in many forms. The most popular is white extract powder, but you can also buy dried stevia leaves, stevia liquid extract, or as small pellets to sweeten your coffee with. The sweet leaf sweetener is also available in its granular form in small packets.

However, the all-natural stevia sweetener is different from sugar in many ways, and there are several reasons why stevia is a better option than sucrose, whether you’re diabetic or just looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle. So let’s go and have a look at them!

1. Stevia is very, very potent

The raw leaves of the stevia plant are approximately 40 times sweeter than sugar, and the powdered sweetener derived from them is up to 200-300 times sweeter. What this means, is that just a tiny bit of stevia will suffice for most of your sugar free recipes. The sweet leaf’s shelf life is about 5 years, so it most certainly is a worthwhile investment.

2. Stevia has no calories

Refined sugar makes you fat, there’s no denying it. Sucrose contains a lot of calories and there are so many sugary products nowadays that it’s become almost a full-time chore to avoid them. As a consequence, 34% of adults in America are obese and for our children – who are being exposed to sugar from a very young age – that figure is 17%.

These alarming rates are three times higher than they were thirty years ago. Luckily, the stevia sweetener harbors no calories whatsoever. While it isn’t by any means a weight loss product, the benefits of stevia and its huge potential in this area are obvious.

3. Stevia helps to suppress cravings

As we all know, sugar is addictive. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose may not have any calories or glycemic index, but they still promote cravings for sugary sweets. On top of that, an increasing amount of consumers over the years has reported negative side effects when using artificial sweeteners, ranging from headaches and dizziness to rashes and stomach pains. Stevia on the other hand, has been reported to suppress cravings.

Time for a bit of trivia: did you know that stevia has been approved as a sweetener in Japan since the 1970’s, and is now the number one sweetener there, with a market share of over 40%? And all this without any reports of unwanted side effects! Read more

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pepsi Co. Swaps Aspartame for Sucralose: Is It Worth It?

Pepsi Co. Swaps Aspartame for Sucralose: Is It Worth It?

Soda is one of the most popular beverages in the developed world, and many people are addicted to its sweet taste and fizzy texture. Not only does soda provide calories, these calories come in the form of refined sugar, namely mercury-laden high fructose corn syrup. Diet sodas are supposed to lessen the health effects of regular soda consumption and is often seen as a product that can be consumed in limitless quantities with very little worry. Research is showing, however, that this is not the case. [1] Even diet sodas, typically sweetened with aspartame, also correlate with increased obesity trends in those who consume them on a regular basis. Pepsi has recently launched a move that will replace aspartame with sucralose (Splenda), citing consumer demand regarding the supposed health dangers of aspartame.


What Pepsi Doesn’t Understand About Splenda

Aspartame has been linked to serious health consequences for years, and these consequences are only now being made known to the public. Due to public outcry over the use of aspartame in diet foods, Pepsi has decided to replace the artificial sweetener with sucralose, a heavily-marketed artificial sweetener that many mistake for natural. [2] While sucralose does start with sugar, it goes through an unnatural process to make it free from calories and 300 to 1,000 times as sweet as pure table sugar. Simply swapping out an artificial sweetener for another one doesn’t seem to be doing much good, because even sucralose has a host of negative health effects associated with its consumption. [3]

Diet soda was originally created to combat the effects that high-sugary beverages promote, like obesity, diabetes, and other clinical symptoms of metabolic syndrome. [4] Soda manufacturers, who recognized the issue associated with refined sugar, quickly came out with an alternative to their original recipe to appease health-conscious consumers and protect their bottom line. Not only did they attract individuals watching their waistline, their expanded product line undoubtedly increased sales. Soda manufacturers aren’t 100% concerned for public health; rather, they’re merely trying to find ways to appeal to consumer demand as a means to protect their overall profit. While there may be noble intentions from some people in the industry, the majority isn’t geared toward improving overall health. Read more

Thursday, August 13, 2015

High levels of natural plant antioxidant alpha-carotene are

High levels of natural plant antioxidant alpha-carotene are

Picture this: a chemical is discovered that has amazing health-protecting powers. In fact, if a person consumes enough of the potent life guarding compound, his or her chances of dying from heart disease, cancer or any other reason will plummet for many, many years into the future. Sound like a futuristic drug out of a sci fi story? It's not. Instead, it's a natural compound available right here and right now -- the antioxidant alpha-carotene, produced by plants.

In a large study of over 15,000 adults, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) scientists found that high blood levels of alpha-carotene were associated with a significantly reduced risk of dying over a 14 year period. The research was just published in the on-line edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

There are several forms of carotenoids, including beta-carotene and lycopene as well as alpha-carotene. Alpha-carotene is very similar to beta-carotene but research has shown it may be more effective at preventing or blocking the growth of cancer cells in the brain, liver and skin, according to the CDC scientists. Read more

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Medical Journal Designates Fluoride as Neurotoxin

Medical Journal Designates Fluoride as Neurotoxin

Fluoridation, the process of adding fluoride to public water supplies in an effort to prevent cavities, has courted controversy since its introduction in the US during the 1940s. Now, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet has published a report that supports what opponents of fluoride have long been arguing. In essence, the journal article pointed to the fact that fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin.


Fluoride: A Dangerous Neurotoxin

The peer-reviewed report, which builds off a 2006 study that looked at five potential neurotoxins, now adds fluoride to the list of harmful environmental pollutants. [1] In fact, fluoride is listed alongside such well-known hazards as lead, mercury, and arsenic. Developmental neurotoxins at high enough levels can cause developmental disorders and are particularly hazardous to fetuses and young children whose brains are still developing. Dr. Philippe Grandjean and Dr. Philip J. Landrigan, the authors of the study, are advocating for a global prevention strategy to control what they call a “pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity.” They also believe that there are still undiscovered industrial neurotoxins and state that chemicals that have not been tested for neurotoxicity should not automatically be presumed safe for brain development.

Other Concerns

In addition to the fluoride warnings published in the journal, a recent meta-analysis from Harvard found a correlation between fluoridated water and low IQ scores in children who grew up in the most fluoridated areas. Other studies have linked fluoridation to certain types of cancer. Again, these are mere correlations, but they are consistently strong and warrant further investigation. Mandatory fluoridation has been banned in many countries across the world, including most of Europe, where the addition of chemicals to the public water supply is generally viewed as unethical, especially when there is no significant health benefits. However, fluoride is still commonly added to the public water supplies of most of North America. Read more